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Baptism Of Fire

Baptism Of Fire



Word Count: 1663    |    Released on: 29/09/2021

vestigation team also suspected rape attempt as her sensitive spot was found swollen and bleeding. The victim's only identification was the ID she was wearing the night when the crime to

ous thunderstorm roared upon the place. But the catastrophe happening outs

upon the screen. The jagged streak of lightni

ing in their minds

his to you. I promise, I'll break the


indow to open the curtains. There was a pearly glow in the sky. The sun poured through my window, its warm breeze fond

ing my morning rituals, I immed

andwich and a cup of coffee. I have no time to cook an

so spacious house, but we're not that penurious. We're able to eat enough and I'm attending school.

st day of school, meaning new struggles as a student. I can already imagine

ol years in a different school. If you're wondering how am I able to study there, that's because of scholarship. As luck would have it, I have the brain and intellect that

f the cab. The way they greet each other seems like they haven't seen each

was plugged in my ears. Suddenly, a girl smiling all ears came ru

many students. I shoot daggers at her, mouthing 'shu

cines yet?" I asked scornful

that we haven't see each other," she said dramatically and started narrating

o me?" She asked wit

what is i

mind. How about you,

answer. I was rotten in our house the whole vacation

immature, self-centered and hubristic because of their parents' money and power. Since this is a prestigious school, expect th

the vacation period. Carter, Lincoln and Asher are throwing papers with each other. Aeron and Josiah are bickering, their voices are too loud and

my earphones in to lessen the noise. Lei sits nex

eeks. I opened my eyes and my orbs settled on this stubborn guy. I stared at him flatly and

t out a lunatic laugh tha

u're too h

ering me.

faces. In your case..." He puts his hand on his chin while staring a

re I lose my composure. I wanted to applaud hi

flock around him because of his looks, which I could not repudiate, he's indeed an epitome of ha

ck text book enters the room. She's not familiar to me, probably a n

ut no one bats an eye and continue

ted louder so I decided to stan

also to teachers. They don't respect them as well. I highly doubt if they respect anyo

greeted me back. Are y'all deaf or just plainly rud

rs of the room. Everyone stares at her

cuse me Ms. But who gave you the permission to shout on us

a teacher," she retaliate

to answer back? Do you

re my student, and this book might land over your face. Please stop showing your awful attitude," she said sternly, beckoning

ret doing this to me!" Amber w

"Now that all of you are already acting according to your ag

Ms. or Ma'am Clara. I'll be your class adviser and

you're the richest kid here-" she gave Amber a short glance. "I'm your teacher and you're my students, show me some respect. I won't tolerate nasty behavior inside my cl

uld not handle the behavior of some. I remember back then, our Statistics Teacher was about to enter the classroom when she was struck by a

ur name, age and birthdate. We'll use that

thought. In fact, I never imagined that t

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1 Chapter 1 DAWN OF ECLIPSE2 Chapter 2 LOOMING SHADOWS3 Chapter 3 SMOKES AND MIRRORS4 Chapter 4 BIRTH OF ATROCITY5 Chapter 5 A RIDE TO THE ABYSS6 Chapter 6 THE REST HOUSE7 Chapter 7 MOTIVES8 Chapter 8 STRANGE FEELINGS9 Chapter 9 BLOODSHED10 Chapter 10 DARKNESS11 Chapter 11 INFLICTING DISTRUST12 Chapter 12 FIRST BLOOD13 Chapter 13 CRESTFALLEN14 Chapter 14 SCORCHING DEATH15 Chapter 15 MISSING CLAIRE16 Chapter 16 IMMINENT DANGER17 Chapter 17 BEHIND THE SHADOWS18 Chapter 18 THE TRANSFEREE19 Chapter 19 SHAMBLES20 Chapter 20 SECRETS21 Chapter 21 BETRAYAL22 Chapter 22 THE CONUNDRUM23 Chapter 23 BENEATH THE MEMORY LANE24 Chapter 24 BEHIND HIS COLD FACADE25 Chapter 25 STORM AFTER THE CALM26 Chapter 26 FRAGMENTS OF THE PAST27 Chapter 27 GUNSHOTS28 Chapter 28 WOEBEGONE29 Chapter 29 CLUES AND ALLIANCE30 Chapter 30 DECISIONS31 Chapter 31 THE PROM32 Chapter 32 THE LAST WARNING33 Chapter 33 THE DETECTIVE'S TALE34 Chapter 34 BROKEN SOUL35 Chapter 35 THE NIGHT OF UNRAVELLING36 Chapter 36 DANCING SOULS37 Chapter 37 THE MAYHEM38 Chapter 38 TORNED AMITY39 Chapter 39 GHOSTS FROM THE PAST40 Chapter 40 THE START OF HATRED41 Chapter 41 THE RUTHLESS MONSTER42 Chapter 42 JEALOUSY43 Chapter 43 JUDAS KISS44 Chapter 44 THE NIGHT OF HORROR45 Chapter 45 BAPTISM OF FIRE46 Chapter 46 THE TRUTH47 Chapter 47 THEIR VENGEANCE48 Chapter 48 HIS POV49 Chapter 49 HER LAST BREATH50 Chapter 50 HER SECRET51 Chapter 51 CRACKS IN THE PRESENT52 Chapter 52 LORELEI53 Chapter 53 VANQUISH THE GLOOM54 Chapter 54 EPILOGUE: THE NEW LEAF