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The little wife of the billionaire

Chapter 9 9

Word Count: 525    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

the late update i

nd as fast


ead for breakfast and for the first tim


ey what

ou visitin

the army how can

l them he wasn't in the army anymore ,

ow they miss

, tell Brandon I


or now at the

ey. Thanks nana I have

na be mad I said not

I had gotten used to things and although I was sti

an injured pregnant woman and I ran toward taking charge,

baby when I realized that if I don't operate on her she was going

ne were available because of the

two nurses I operated on and did a c-sect

ents along with the two nurse who now filled me

immersed in my work that I didn't see the group of doctors who were now gathered around me while I

u do that

asked p

g, for someone whose afraid of pain I'd have to have a sedative to put me

s shocked to see doctors looking at me and a round of applause rang out wow you a

as so tired luckily for Brand

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