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Falling For The Stripper

Chapter 7 Off Limits

Word Count: 702    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

man had dark hair, eyes, and someth

n clients could turn into stalkers, or what if something hap

I don't li

ne turned and walked away. She dre

at offered her a lift drive by. She

ead beat, she opened the door, closed it

her to try not

iles croaked out

e changed into her nightgown. Brus

and wrap his arms around her, this

of now she really loved being in his arms. It made i

bed. The alarm rang and Jasmine wo

off" Mile

lling over to go back to slee

it worse he did not try to even

aded for work. She was really not feeling

, take the day off and tomorrow to get

d at her mana

ere is no point in you being here and not feeling well. I would rathe

their elder who cared fo

y off," h

ker to grab her bag. She took out her phone an

he got on the bus and sat down. She leaned against the cool window and de

to the last stop and got off the bus. She made her way to th

nt, all eyes turned to her. They were Miles fri

of Miles's friends, just like

en think

standing by the kitchen doorway

apped his arm around her, "th

cept for the two girls who see

ut why so many girls, but it made sense becaus

k too well," M

he first time Miles had noticed s

ing to

o their room and before she cl

you have been

id you f

m n


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