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The Awakening of Helena Richie

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2447    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

this little David Allison, can you, my dear?" Willi

children into your family. I suppose you think I ought to offer to do it? But in the first place,

a girl," William began,

die early, it's a sign of weakness of some sort. I've no doubt this boy's father drank. I don't want to seem unkind, but I must say flatly and frankly that conside

ng said. "I guess we're not the people to bri

lieved. "It would be the worst possible thing

encies wouldn't hurt her

g like that? I'll go and see her if you want me to-though s

r; Dr. Lavendar wi

ps herself to herself too much. It almost looks as if she

made n

es she use

world shou

ce about her. It isn't like colo

made no

, I guess; I'd like to

ut walking with her yes

ieve the boy is i

eyes," Wil

fix herself up with sachet-powders and things. And her Sarah told the Draytons' Jean that she had her breakfast in bed every morning! I'd like to know how my housekeeping would go on if I had b

cup of coffee and when told that it would not be good for him, got up, t

pose is the last thing Sa

confessed h

. He gave him seventy-five dollars. Back comes my young gentleman with-what

an he spent the mon

readfully upset herself. As for Sam, he kept saying that the 'prints,' as he called them, were very valuable. Th

l! he hates the theatre. I do believe

ng he found they weren't as valuable as he thought-I don't understand that part of it," Martha acknowledged

at half-cock ever since he was born. But Martha, the seri

lerk in the bank, instead of Mr. Samuel Wright's only son, he w

band; but that's all. Sam wouldn't do a mean thin

hie woman," Martha went on-but William made h

... The buggy was very shabby; it sagged badly on the right side and there was a rent in the faded cushion. The doctor looked at his watch.... Then, hurriedly, led Jinny back to her stall, got a bucket of water and a sponge, and washed off the dashboard and wheels. After that he fumbled along a dusty beam to find a bottle of oil with which he touched up the harness. But when all was done he shook his head. The buggy was hopeless. Nevertheless, when he climbed in and slapped Jinny's flank with the newly oiled

of planting seeds, caught the exquisite breath of the box, and sighed; then, listlessly, she turned to walk back towards the house. Before she rea

?" he call

reluctant sunshine did not betray to

ure to handle a trowel. There was a certain soft indolence in the way she moved that was a delight to his eye. It occurred to him that he would


he's pretty uncomfo

ing up at him, the sunshine suddenly filled her eyes with limpid brown light. "Mag

the way,

the garden, and bought a trowel and some seeds and wandered out into the borders; but a manufactured interest has no staying quality-especially if i

't let her go into the kitchen before Monday. A bad thr

ggie!" she s

very dreadful," William ass

ink of pain." Then she looked at him anxiously. "Don't you thi

. "I'm very sorry." But that his so

her eyes crinkled with gayety at his co

dy likes scrappy dinners. I wish you wo

nce that suggested departure to the doctor. As he got up he remembered Dr. Lavendar and the little boy, bu

not so bad-tempered as you think; I on

You're just the opposite. That's why I s


name is-that Dr. Lavendar is trying to fi

rs. Richie in astonishment

me that perhaps you m

her glove and looked down at her white hands. "Well,

e sat down again. "Oh, I'm sure that's only because

bleak; the gayety had dropped out of it; for an


ves on again, smoothing down each fin


er chin tremble. There was a moment's silence

now what it means to

not have

t. But perhaps I

eath, was bent so that he could not see her face. "Dr. King, his father-hurt him. Ye

his breath; he

I can't seem to-to get over it

-" Dr. K

. He was-happy, I belie

d you b

I suppose. I nev

he died?" William Ki

ence of calmness, fastening her gloves and looking at them crit

s excuse for divo

there ever is?" s

ifying thought into words to any woman, especially not to this woman, so like a girl in spite of her thirty-odd years. "You see," he said,

"anyhow, I didn'

g to his temples, "you didn't t

t purpose of changing the subject. "I must go and put in some more seeds. Wh

an old man y

while Dr. Lavendar is looking for somebody to take him. Not longer. It

of time to find a home for him. I would have been glad to take him myself, but jus

said, "if you'll only cure Maggie! You must cur

ng, and went away much pleased with himself. But

" he said.

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