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The Barrier

Chapter 8 THE KNIFE

Word Count: 4682    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

little party was still at breakfast on the following morning, three such members of soc

g to the door. "You're travel

hem laughed, while the other t

are you

the spokesm

st be observed with friend or enemy, and, thoug

some breakf

then the speaker continued: "Look here. It's no u

ou goin' to

out, Lee.

he had other friends besides those present whom he wished to

ut us Jerry. We'r

s of a gold strike when the wind bl

lment, so Lee reluctantly told them of his discov

at this game and never had a creek named after me, but this one is

good name, and w

like," said the miner,

offered to do the same, adding that it were best to make sure of no conflict so early in the game. The fi

ago, the same as Runnion, and the others ain't much better," said Gale, w

a dozen good men in camp I'd like to see in on t

bes' claims at Klondike," said Poleon

d the Lieutenant, thoughtfully. "I'm afr

red. "We've got our ground staked out, an

o set out for Flambeau w

we'd better organize our mining distri

e gang comes along," Runnion chimed in, "and el

coming to him as the discoverer, and I reckon the mone

ay nominated as chairman by one of the strangers. There was no objection, so he went in, as did Lee, who was made s

uestions as arise to affect their personal or property interests. In the days prior to the establishment of courts and the adoption of a code of laws for Alaska, the entire country was governed in this way, even to the adjudication of criminal actions. It was the primitive majority rule that prevails in every new land, and the courts later recognized and approved the laws so m

mining district and adopt articles of governmen

who views his characters from every angle and follows their intricacies with corres

the proceedings from neutral ground, could not shake off the notion that all was not right. Things moved too smoothly. It looked as if there had been a rehearsal

pted and so crude in its working-out that it seemed almost laughable to the soldier, until he saw these men were in deadly earnest and anim

no women be allowed to locate mining cla

g his one eye from the note-boo

t women in on a man's

dea," echoed

ale, springing to his feet. "I might have k

se and ranged hims

" said he, excitedly. "You wan

them. "If you want trouble, you two, I reckon you can have it, but, whether you

d, resolute way. Necia, observing them, hastened to her father's side, for that which she se

or my sake, daddy, sit down." Then she whispered fiercely into his ear: "Can'

but Stark, who was presidi

n't butt in, Mr. Soldier Man. Thi

was so openly brazen that he could restrain himself with difficulty. A moment late

your girl, for a motion to disqualify her isn't nec

een," declar

rding to

er claims for her t

nion, cunningly. "No man can hold more than one

the others could not have held it, and before another assembly could have been called the creek would have been staked from end to end, from rim to r

f to anger deliberately, much as a serpent stings itself into a painful fury; but now it

gold? Just because there's enough of you to vote that motion through, that don't make it legal, not by a damned sight, and it won't hold, because I won't wri

ought. Poleon had begun to speak, and from his appearance it seemed possible that he might not cease with words; moreover, it was further evident that they were all intent on the excited Frenchman and had no eyes for the Lieutenant. Carefully slipping around the corner of the cabin, and keeping the house between him and the others, Burrell broke into a swift run, making the utmost possible speed for fear they should miss him and guess his purpose, or, worse yet, finish their discussion and adjourn before he could complete his task. He was a light man on his feet, and he dodged through t

e majority had prevailed, and that the girl's importunities had restrained her advocates from a resort to violence. She looked ver

d the other cons

claims open for relocation. I'm

izens, starting to turn down-stream while his two companion

went wrong. Now! Now! Don't get

racks and looked at

do you

d those cla

d them!" c

ged my mind a

Runnion, at which Bu

this, Runnion-ever si

ad time," the other t

ou'll find my notice just beneath Miss Gale's." Then to "No Creek" Lee he co

gerent recorder. "You're worse'n these c

passive face betraying not a shadow of chagrin, f

crazy." Then to Burrell, "You certainly are a nic

end of mine,"

t do yo

sed you, Stark

rst day at the trading-post. The thought of these five men banded together to rob this little ma

e. "These thugs are your tools, and you tried to

y, but the other gave

a prisoner." Then turning to Lee, he said: "Don't make me force you to record my location

, you 'member w'at I tol' you yestidday

, but said nothing. Necia

tark got his feelings under control quickly,

want any trouble. You've got the law with you." Then to Runni

down the valley, Gale held out his hand to the sold

ing the offer of friendship wh

aid "No Creek" Lee;

party disappear, but now he turne

e enemies to-

Lee. "Ben Stark will ne

that is hi

th you. He's the quickest man on a trigger in the West, but he won't never make no open play, only just devil the life out of yo

oldier for his undertaking in her behalf, and for any mischief that

d, anxiously, "for it's all my fault, and I'd-I'd always

s nothing Stark can do, and whatever happens we'

ul eyes, and was glad now that he could grip his hand

stead of following the others they accepted Necia as guide and chose the trail to Black Be

eople-they would have read our secret-bu

was a sim

, what a fierce you are! Oh, boy! What if

you'll have your fine dresses and be able t

n thinking. Suppose-well, suppose you keep tw

ia!" he e

under the law. Of course it would be very

your ears boxed,"

u-you-may be very po

ut not poor enough to t

ally mine to do with as I p

myself of the offer," he

declined it. I'll make the price right, and you may pay me when we get behind yonder clump of bushes."

orable end to this affair, it must terminate at once. Just how this was to be consummated he had not determined as yet, nor did he like to set about its solution, it hurt him so to think of losing her. However, she was very young, only a child, and in time would come to count him but a memory, no doubt; while as for him-well, it would be hard to forget her, but he c

ards Stark on the previous night, but beyond that he would not go, offering no motive, excuse, or explanation, choosing to stand in the eyes of his friend as an intended murderer, notwithstanding which Poleon let the matter drop-for w

ire to be rid of it almost became overpowering at times; but his caution was ingrained and powerful, and so it was that he resisted the temptation to confide in his partner, although the eff

gambled much, with equal misfortune, and the next day he had forgotten. He had lived the free, clean life of a man who wins joyously or goes down with defiance in his throat, but this venomous thing that Runnion had planted in him

his men for Lee to make known his find to his friends, and by sunset the place

ecia had put the two little ones to bed and had followed them wearily. Then he told his squaw. She took the news better than he ex

it there before a

I could stand, and it came on me all at once, so that I was mad, I s


So a

d a chance again. What was the matter with your aim? I

," declared Gale. "

not injure. There was a man like that among my people

man knifed


gun is a straight man's friend, but a knife is t

is man s


ld's play. We w

hotly. "I tried that kind of work

d the woman, quietly. "To k

ectangular bed of sand held inside of four timbers, with a door in one end to take whole lengths of cord-wood,

staring into the flames, to return a moment later bearing something in her

e slid the case from the long blade and held it in his palm, letting the firelight flicker on it. He balanced it and teste

at a finger's weight will bury it. One should hold the wrist firmly till it pierce

deadly thing seemed to fascinate the man, for h

me, but the thought of doing it made me afraid every time, so I ran away, which never did no good-you can't outfoot a memory-and I knew all the while that we'd meet sooner or later. Now that the day is here at last, I'm not ready for it. I'd like to run away again if th

m!" said

s been a killer all his life and the smoke hangs forever in his eyes. Only for an accident we might have lived h

stubbornly, but he put her aside with a slow

oing to sleep on it." He crossed to the door of his room, but as he went sh

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