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Fake Nerd Alert

Chapter 6 Eyes up here, Black

Word Count: 1499    |    Released on: 15/10/2021

brows. I liked her already as she was really cool. She had the same ment

d plopped himself next to

son. "Aiden, let's go" she said and he stood up. I was glad by the idea that he was

hn asked and I groaned and

d. I rose my head to see Aiden looking

with a grin and Kelsey turned t

up pressure! "Fine. But I want you to come every day and spend some time with your sister" his mother said and blow

the beach?" I asked,

le. "Let's get ready!" I smiled and walked to my room. I t

ecca asked. More like yelled from h

my sunglasses and walked back downstairs. Nobody was ready yet and I sat on the couch. How am I going to do with The Aiden Black living un

pour chocolate on his abs and licked it. Snap out of it Karma! I didn't reply to him but instead I stared at him. "Giving me the silent treatment again?"

mumbled and he gave me

ow I know why girls chase him. He was hot. Damn hot. His shirtless self was a real pleasure to my eyes and I blinked several times before looking somewher

and he looked at me in shock. I shrugged an

ommented as he sat next to m

someone jumped on the couch next

d wrapped my arms around her. I leant my head on her shoulder and my eyes met

u Now?" Aiden asked and

I noticed Aiden looking at me in confusion but no way I was going to explain those things any further. "Let's go to the beach!"

u while I take Hannah, Ace and Angel with

shed deep red. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for Adam to

h us?" Adam asked and he, surprisin

d he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I moved away f

e some seriousness behind those words. Just as I was about

face to see Aiden staring at

id and I shook my head

efore entering the driving seat. Soon the door next to me ope

ving me around" he mumbled. John snick

wiched by two fat guys!" she sh

se are muscles!" John exclaime

ed between two hot guys" David said. A grin fo

ngly. I laughed when I saw David blushing. John was looking

's laugh ceased. Aiden cleared his thro

asked and I quickly nodded

chuckled. He put on the mu

nt you

t's ou

d me b

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o know that

run the s

down a cha

o here I go

in I'm yours

wn pulls me do


's raini

ways have an

u're cover

lies tell m

o know that

bleed the

o know that

we're the

o know that

bleed the

o know that

run the s

o know that

bleed the

under you

ow did you kno


ody else th

ame all the sa


's raini

ways have an

u're cover

lies tell m

o know that

bleed the

voice. We were all moving and dancing in our seat as I sped to th

t on my face. Aiden shook his head and stared at the road too. I knew th

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