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Fated By A Night

Chapter 3 The mysterious man

Word Count: 1809    |    Released on: 12/10/2021

her... Surprisingly there were no discomfort or fear when her body was so close to the mysteriou

ontact with him. He was looking so hot and perfect as a sculpture... Her body gave in and she was blushing hard...Thank God, he can't see her blushing in this lighting. Soon she withdrew her eyes, and she knows his arms were still around her waist tightl

ra on him, yet she was still in his arms feeling confused. She did not entertain guys like him before as she was not interested in them. She never had any anxiety when facing a man,

lothes. After few seconds, the song was changed into a romantic one... She could feel the peop

ot to tower her. He must be six feet, whereas She was five seven... she stumbled her legs but he supported her in his arms, but this time she kept her arms around his neck... This time they danced together according to the bea

and turn around to leave, but he took her with his arms around her as if hugging behind her back. She was stunned, initially, she wanted to leave but she stood there like spellbound. He made her face him in a fraction of seconds and kissed her... His one hand was at her back and the other was behind her neck supporting her body...the kiss was strong passionate and demanding yet made her melt... His thin lips were savouring her soft plumpy

to look at him again... He leaned into

's g

d him in a daze. Her legs were trembling due to the alcohol and the way he made her feel. He paused and looked at her. This time she saw him more clearly, he was indeed a Greek God. Thic

by seeing she was drunk. She did not re

all, who can judge her, everybody has their flaws... It is fine if she is okay with it.

s her choice. Fio's mind was taken over by the drunken adrenaline rush and urges her to move in. and finally she stepped inside. Before she could realise what was happening, she was pinned to the wall by him and he took her lips the

y... But at one point when she was going to lose her precious thing, her eyes were wet...Soon he stopped and looked at her agape... After few seconds of confusion, all the passion wa

enthusiastic than before and she whimpered in ecstasy as the pleasure take over the

arching for her phone in bed but felt her hands were under something heavy...Confused Fio opene


she seized her lips... Wh

yan cheating on her, coming to the club with Cathy, that pervert, t

a total stranger... She even doesn't kn

e regre

ng all the mora

as changed completely...and the night was worth it... He was showering her with plea

last night, but God had some other plans t

he remembered, when he came to know she was a virgin, he did not go rough on her...

..And she will not see this man ever again. Fio did not want to have a

d moved out of bed and wore the clothes quickly in the washroom. When she glanced at the mirror, she could see that her face was glowing and her lips were cherry red and plump. She looked better, quickly she wash her face. Before going out, s

tch she bought for Ryan. He doesn't deserve it, maybe this man could use it. She can't give the gi

the watch and put it on t

ng night... Hope we w

were there. She quickly went to her apartment and turned on her phone to text Cathy that she is safe and not to worry. But then, many messages an

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