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Chapter 4 THREE

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 15/10/2021

days I happened to get the king's room today. I had to strip the bed, send the sheets to laundry, put new sheets and clear the floor. Men had come earlier to remove the heavier items the king ha

his face more animal than man. His claws elongated and his canines extended. He looked as if he was fighting for control. His eyes flashing between pitch black and green. "GET THE FUCK OUT" he growled. I still stood shocked to my bones. Fingers clamped on my arms and pulled me out of the room as the sound of something crashing was heard. Library man quickly rushed into the room. More sounds of things crashing were heard as I struggled down the hallway only stopping when I went into my room. My arms were littered with now purple bruises and my ankle was throbbing. My face became red in embarrassment as I took in my state. My dress was soaked through and my breasts visible. I had decided to go without a bra today. Library man, mean guy and green eyes must have seen through my dress. I took of my dress and walked gingerly to the bathroom. Why did the alpha react like that towards me? *************************************************** I woke up to Althea shaking me. "You weren't there for lunch and I have instructions to take you to the healer to treat your ankle" "Instructions from who?" "Royal beta Valdus" "I don't think I've met him though... How does he know I twisted my ankle?" "I wouldn't know. He is waiting at the infirmary" "That won't be necessary" I glanced up. Library guy? "Beta Valdus" Althea bowed "Leave us" she turned and left "What did you do to make the alpha react like that?" "Nothing. He just sniffed me and then he lost it" he looked at me skeptically. "Here" he handed over a tube of something red "That's lycan blood

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