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His arranged fiancee

Chapter 5 The Browns

Word Count: 1167    |    Released on: 15/10/2021

d was glad the moment Carina's text popp

ist me. What

e finally trading me off" K

bout the family yet?

e with it and I'm not even interes

carry out some sorting, will tha

I know the family before meet

their last grown up boy got engaged two

e to me. I won't be surprise at all if they turn out to be the surp

and eateries right here in San Francisco." Carina t

et my eyes on him. The guy ain't my taste at all. I wish they are

lies left. The MC Kenzie's and th

in the world who loved to maintain a classic, reserved life. She had always wished it was the Brown's family. But t

likes of Amy Gonzales of their noble class. It will rather be the MC Kenzie because they have one u

him wearing wigs because I heard that he is totally bald. Not a single strand of hair on hi

now about it and it might not even be true. All those c

eforehand. I'm sorry if that touches the wrong spot.

chill out later in the evening? I'm

u have to be at home and be getting

won't spend much time outside. I w

ur parents? Especially

herapist is here right now. I will call you when I'm done, bye." Kayla texted hurriedly be

heaved a sigh as she climbed down the


st club at San Francisco. Music was pounding out loud from each corner of the wall, an

calmly seated on a

cktail in the

ised her wineglass up in the air, they clinked twice and w

myself now." Kayla s

her throat and drowsiness was taken over her eyes but she wasn't ready to le

we can hardly see." Carina said and

hot... please" Kayla s

d we are off

d in a pitiful way. Cari felt sorry for her friend's conditio

Cari was by this time not getting along with her body but she co

tressed as her bladder couldn't hold back the pres

se, dropped the purse and told Cari

stopped Kayla from walking away by gripping

my phone. If I need your help, I will call. Just wait here for

e mistakenly entered the gents restroom and without hesitating she began

ed Kayla the moment she had stepped inside the gents and was fully sure that the girl was not in

o leave before he walked closer to the door of the room K

one of those guys that were always at the cl

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