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CEO's maid in New York


Word Count: 1712    |    Released on: 16/10/2021



y. Kyle had not given me information regarding the emergency and that made me panic the more. I knew t

cluding not wearing my car seat. I drove into my driveway and got out of my car,

f my office like a mad man?" I asked Kyle but he sim

for you, the least you can do is to thank me" Kyle told me. I

im, irritated that he had dragged me out of my

see" Kyle answered but that was

n my keys from? However, I let it slide, hoping to revisit that matter some ot

own. The young women wore a torn dress, was bare feet, her hair in a messy bun as though she had not washed it in days

ked my friend, Kyl

r surprise" Kyle answered me but I was

his is one of those exotic dancers, I suggest you pi

an to help you around the house, one that did not give you a headache and here

I asked my friend, knowing the

ou should have se

first!" I yelled at him, wondering how it was t

ften sober thoughts? And besides you don't even have to

wondering what it was that Kyle was trying to tell me. My friend smiled at me a


were but I had a bad feeling about what Kyle had done and there

and he showed different types of girls. I chose this one because she is quiet

to twitch and my hands began to sweat. I placed my back against my

aking sense to me now that Kyle had literally brought an entire human bein

r" Kyle tried to explain his reas

ying! What you just did is called human trafficking, modern day slavery. We could go to

into letting us go free" I quickly got up from the floo

ous this is, if we are caught we could be facing twenty to life in prison!" I

urned my attention to the girl and she was looking right back at Kyle and

we do it the better it will be for us" I informed Kyle and his im

his to me, and we are like brothers. I mean what would your mother say if she heard that y

d up in jail for participating in human trafficking. Kyle turned his attention

. And don't let her out of the house or we're both sc

till haunted and tortured every part of me. I walked over to the living room, the girl

n and I hoped that this was truly the last. I walked into my li

she said nothing, leaving me to wond

d her once more, hoping that I wou


my kitchen. I grabbed a glass of orange juice and a few biscuits on a plate and brought i

h, because I hardly eat at home" I c

ys. I sat down and watched her the entire time. I watched her eat her food an

om out of nowhere, when

" I asked her, still surprise

t up from my couch and walked towards her but she st

ave to be afraid of me"

he asked me and she

t women and I won't

made me angry. Over the years, Kyle had proven to be aggressive, but to lay

never change. I t

ked her and nodded her head in agreement. I grabbed the key from underneath the flowerpot and walked over to her and I released h

a queen sized bed, shower w

her room and I could hear that she h

ing to rape her. I thought but then i

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