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Alphas In Aquila

Chapter 4 The New Doll II

Word Count: 1568    |    Released on: 18/10/2021

more reliable tha

worse. Not all Alphas could curb their baser urges during a rut. An Omega caught unawares might not withstand. It was expected that Omegas reveal their orientation after entering

this to be to the Omegas benefit, retaining the line that an Omega only remained safe through mating. Alphas could not be expected t

l bullshit,

wanted from the Betas

y into law, able to violate without the fear of e

y and the disclosure of her dynamic. Although one could never be sur

rly on. Her Omega mother had already given birth to a Beta female, her sister, whi

the chance, the waiting had hung like a

preparations. She did not disco

d to suppress her biological reaction, making her

ted her as best she could. She had supplied clean pillows and bedding so that Leda could build a nest, creating one became a compulsive need in the haze of estrous. And she had

claimed by the most prominent Alpha in range of her scent. The thought

remains of her nest which was drenched in the fluid of an estrous-high Omega. Even though the bedding had

else could have attracted the guardian Alpha who had been policing the streets that day? The report provided to the family had underlined that the Alpha who killed her parent

er a perfunctory executive hearing. Contributing to the demise of a fer

hat had attracted the Alpha and made him lose control like that. An

tomach cramping and constant headaches. It was why she would never willingly reveal her orien

Even though Cythia was older, finding work would be impossible with

ations needed to keep his lungs functioning were another expense that they could not afford even if she worked day and night at the Diner

elt she had no choice but to t

suffered served a purpose. Even her fears, bec

eatest risk of

earing a n

iving at Ceres House. She wasn’t in the climate to be insulted. Her nerves were perturbed after enduring the silent, hour-long ride in a dimmed skycar. Two large men had sat in the driver’s and front passenger positi

home for my match

is lips, leaving a glower. “At least a few of our cli

e to submit and now this is what they had reduced her to. She was here and doing this. Her breath becam

tricken look that crossed her


ied her to a small sofa. The tastefully decorated hallway spun around her. She had to

pped the back of her neck in a gesture that

o Diner worker from the hovels. Leda felt impossibly ineffective as her fingers caught in the simple cotton of her dress. And then she w

ss off the tray and held it to


ze. He continued to tilt the stem until the flute was empty. A ball of warmth spreads in the pit of

and the few times she imbi

is in

n.” He rose and pul

and into something more pleasing to


, mostly young women. Pictures windows from floor to ceiling looked out on the starry sky. They were high

ment she felt at th

, which had been a relief and more formal than she expected. The lacy brim moved gently around her thighs. It was shorter than anything

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