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The Slave Incarnate

Chapter 3 Olden days

Word Count: 1522    |    Released on: 19/10/2021

maira shares her happiness with her mother, Rita, who often held

pillar of strength due to which the family could cross the tides of bad times. Problems are never too big. It can be overcome by sheer patie

– "Do you remember your old times, mother? How

, unnecessary harassment, domination, slavery, and mental torture cannot be tolerated at any cost. It pains me to relate s

saying....here too a series of events ignited t

I have hated my grand

t treated as a newly wedded bride in the house upon my marriage but as a free maid, a slave for life. I was a

w you were looked upon with respect from the outsiders while inside the family you were

ildhood was therefore bereft of your love and affection. You always held my uncle in good light despite his evil endeavors. You always maintained that he was not evil enough to take such a s

firm with the help of whom he fabricated the accounts of the firm and

nd therefore lead our life at his mercy. He wanted us to be his slaves with no wishes and ri

ing and high thinking gradua

e and have not's and the man-made differences cannot be removed overnight. These differences are harsh lessons that have to be lived with and cannot be ignored. The greed of mone

ared minutes of the meeting for the retirement of the partners wherein it was expressly stated that the retiring partners would be given a share as per the tentative division of share done for all the partners in the meeting. Your youngest uncle chose to take his share while my father opted for keeping the share as a loan with the firm on which we were to receive a percentage of interest in term

not even made aware as to what was going on. We were very naive. It was

he partners. The share was though, kept with the firm and in particular, with you

My education was thus very expensive and truly, hard-earned. We separated from the joint family in 2000 and were partially independent to lead our lives. It was the biggest change for all of us. However, every mon

never clear the entrance exam of law, then how could your daughter clear the exam". To this, I was left with nothing to reply but merely pass an agreeable smile. It was you who was madly in love with

o start with had something to do with fees. The rest of the apprehensions were

ne in a distant city whereas my family had the togetherness of each other. I knew I had to be tough and keep going in any case. It was that day and it i

ce again and secured a good jo


iately thereafter, she receives a cal

w. Rest of the details will be provided to you in the

frowned upon since time immemorial. It was her daily chore before going off to sleep. Thanking the almighty for all good and bad,

thing to wake at this time of the hour. Why do I get up around this time only? I don't f

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