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He Loves My Biracial Identical

Chapter 5 Love at first sight

Word Count: 2347    |    Released on: 20/10/2021

ing for you the whole time am home," her Dad said with care, "What are you eating without me Dad?" Aleena asked opening the flask without answering her Dad question, Dad smiled "it is rice you can hav

t care for you guys", "specially me" Aleena intruded, Alhaji Fu'ad passed the dress to his wife for her to see but she turned her head jokingly, "please Umm

he cares for us more than this trouble makers you know how they are if by any chance he brings you gift first it gonna be a problem, t

rugged "but that's the fact he said shortly, Aleena sighed woefully and walked out both her parent and brother laughed since day one Aleena has been their main source of joy and happin

e phone rang once before picking, "Hey what happen?, why the call now?, you just left the house" Misha complaint languidly, Aleena sighed ther

shouted surprisingly, "Yes it is the

w can you beat me for no reason?" Nihad complained, "Sorry dear Misha apologized and then narrat

o comfess his love when they knocked the door, "who is that" he asked, "Pl

in the door is

" He asked afte

said on phone before putting the phone on spe

saying, "I didn't hide it i just forgot." he replied w

you decieve us hmm!” Mashkur said trudging

hough they are something else’ he sa

and then go to bed, today's night wasn't any different from her previous nights all she did whenever she is alone is thinking


re, a sudden fear cross her mind due to sudden negative thought the place was so quiet that a person can be killed an

suppose to be No and keep moving but she don't know how it happen when she said yes and stay and smiling, what i

iltered smile took over his body, he had

er, “please i need to ask you thi

g but from all indicati

ss, phone and your name pleas

o of what you said are not questions so

nned for some seconds she is not only beautiful but have a sweet voice too, he fo

her hand towards his position befo

o her. “Then, my na

d.” she said giving

,” she added pointing an isla

my number please i saved your

she said before


her uniform to normal dress and then went to Zia's pl

ound at the same time listening to r

"what a coincidence he just went out to buy s

ait, she smiled and went to him she collected the nylon on his hand and hold his stick, getting back home they went directly to his room,

hat you are tired of

n't want you to miss me more if i went to school, having school lo

, he accompanied her home before stri

a met him, "what is with that face you seems v

ust happy this way,”

i know this your expression is because of her, if you can't tell her p

e tell me how do we stop l

gn me to tell her, i see no reason of

ting for a perfect moment and it's almost here

eing like a real man no

ed about the man she met hours ago on her way to school, she doesn't even know where her p

the number without given it a second thought, the owner of the number seems t

ained, she smiled that he can even hear the sound of her smiled, “sorry the phone was

head as if he

am s

s the night?

hear it "well my night wasn't so go

d?” Aroush as

asked stunningly, "Yes that's what I said actually the fear of you not loving

y when did we meet, we are not even close enou

t happens to me, you don’t have to believe it but I surely mean when i said i love you right after plac

as to keep quiet again to this question not because she has nothing to answer with but because she thought is good i

silent by saying "i will let you think about it, take as much time as you needed am not in a rush but make sure the answ

she will date a man like Jad, handsome and rich, the next day in the morning Aroush done all her house c

ver want in life. Have a Romantic Morning my angel," She smiled again gleefully his phone call stop her from typing a

chool mate she said after ending the call, her mum peered directly to her face curiously for sevinds "well i won't stop you

"you don't have

office thinking on why she ended the call like this several negative thought in his mind, may be she is tired of h

he bond between them seems to get stronger day by day whereas t

e with Jad and when ever Zia visit her reply to him with is either yes or n

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