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The Price For Loving Mr. CEO


Word Count: 2386    |    Released on: 22/11/2021


his workers to keep me. I got dolled up by some professional

rmed my usual ritual where I always

and beautiful like I'd neve

even make a man drool over me. ‘Will Marquinne even like to cast an eye on a woman

uch as it was Cohen's idea. Perhaps, this

would be taking the wrong step from that night, especia

ve a thought on the manageress, I knew I won't be able to

me a knock on the door and a male voice asked if I w

rove to Marqiunne's Villa. I was driven to Marquinne's Vill

ar house. It was mostly made of bricks than glass, and the outside looked like a ga

to the ballroom. He did just as I

Marqiunne loved piano so much, therefore it was a piano song which blared in the background. There we

or the first time. It felt like a blessing to me that I'll be

e noticed by some familiar pe

l alone, I began walking myself to a seat with my he

stood in my way. I knew it was Jane because she wore t

to trip off. Whoever should be hiding her face is me and not you. Forget about the manageress, she wouldn't do

be righ


otherwise he wouldn't have known my name. Jane and I drifted our attentions t

rmured and walked awa

im without a

e ballroom where the party was being held. He took me to a small living room where only we

room were the fanciest, the lights are of different colours. I couldn't help but to wonder wha

liquor. Some were getting drunk, and some making love. No

t then he took me to a separate living ro

in the middle of lounges which were placed around the pool l

ook me few seconds to realize I was standing few steps

e with his friends. They chatted wit

lance on Cohen caused my heart to flutter

n a silver shiny tuxedo. He changed

met him. He usually does different haircuts, and they all l

times, not intending t

diverting thier gazes at me one after the o

whom I may be. Only Cohen knew me quite well. I also knew the guys found

od with Cohen because they thought I came to

se gazes on me. I looked down in shame no

requested and the

standing right

t he was only seeing my hair and not my f

eyes. I did regret looking into those gray eyes. Cohen was

ace which made him even more handsome. ‘Hey,

eyes, I felt shy indeed. Therefore I

t". He confessed in a sw

d me to the lounge. Only few people were

t close to him still

uirm in discomfort, rubbing my fingers against each other. Stra

My heart throbbed continuously. I looked for a way to escape his scru

o much discomfort.”

? Fuck you!' I said in my mind. I had to endure his scr

it, thank you". I

asked again. This time I only nodded. He continued. "If s

he be serious? My father once said that one should use his money when he's alive

must be a lot of money. Even though it may be his rewa

ask a lot of questions. He knew I was going t

t even thank me. After

y. My expression started suggesting rejection. There wasn't anything that I had done to de

from you. I'll rather no

back. A man on black suit, and white gloves app

ut then the jeweler opened the box. Behold, i

which baffled me. It looked just like the one

s, I took a quick flashback to the day Jo

t. I also rejected the bracelet despite how expensive it looked. I claimed he stole it and the owner may chop

ked similar, although the one in th

esented the bo

hoice.” Cohe

me filled with thoughts like... Could all t

appreciation. There may be something worth mo

on anymore. I just can't take it, after all I

, you'll rather accept my gifts than my wrath.

this how you appreciate peop

stioning my

r.” Anguished, I

est of the lounge and close

time. What have I gotten myself into? Why was I being unable to get rid of him? I thought. Of course

aned forward. Then he took my left han

withdraw my hand, but I didn't want to make room for any suspicion. Therefore I decided to let

sting. I don't care what

et and wore it on my wrist. He motione

ared why he chose the gemstone bracelet which was the sa

ever I'm with you. I keep my reasons with me. A

mply that the night wouldn't be our last time together? I knew that night was going to mar

itely would've given up on my job. Although I was upset, I su

celet now, a tal

d. We both remained silent for some

l me Sir, not even Boss nor Mister. Rather, call me Master.” He ins

aster, unless you tell me why".

to breach my rules... You'll regret the day you stepped in

eyes. This man was lucky enough to become

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1 Chapter 1 OLIVIA TAYLOR2 Chapter 2 OLIVIA TAYLOR3 Chapter 3 OLIVIA TAYLOR4 Chapter 4 OLIVIA TAYLOR5 Chapter 5 OLIVIA TAYLOR6 Chapter 6 OLIVIA TAYLOR7 Chapter 7 OLIVIA TAYLOR8 Chapter 8 OLIVIA TAYLOR9 Chapter 9 OLIVIA TAYLOR10 Chapter 10 OLIVIA TAYLOR11 Chapter 11 OLIVIA TAYLOR12 Chapter 12 OLIVIA TAYLOR13 Chapter 13 OLIVIA TAYLOR14 Chapter 14 OLIVIA TAYLOR15 Chapter 15 OLIVIA TAYLOR16 Chapter 16 OLIVIA TAYLOR17 Chapter 17 OLIVIA TAYLOR18 Chapter 18 OLIVIA TAYLOR19 Chapter 19 OLIVIA TAYLOR20 Chapter 20 OLIVIA TAYLOR21 Chapter 21 OLIVIA TAYLOR22 Chapter 22 OLIVIA TAYLOR23 Chapter 23 OLIVIA TAYLOR24 Chapter 24 OLIVIA TAYLOR25 Chapter 25 OLIVIA TAYLOR26 Chapter 26 OLIVIA TAYLOR27 Chapter 27 OLIVIA TAYLOR28 Chapter 28 OLIVIA TAYLOR29 Chapter 29 OLIVIA TAYLOR30 Chapter 30 OLIVIA TAYLOR31 Chapter 31 OLIVIA TAYLOR32 Chapter 32 OLIVIA TAYLOR33 Chapter 33 OLIVIA TAYLOR34 Chapter 34 OLIVIA TAYLOR35 Chapter 35 OLIVIA TAYLOR36 Chapter 36 OLIVIA TAYLOR37 Chapter 37 OLIVIA TAYLOR38 Chapter 38 OLIVIA TAYLOR39 Chapter 39 OLIVIA TAYLOR40 Chapter 40 OLIVIA TAYLOR41 Chapter 41 OLIVIA TAYLOR42 Chapter 42 OLIVIA TAYLOR43 Chapter 43 OLIVIA TAYLOR44 Chapter 44 OLIVIA TAYLOR45 Chapter 45 OLIVIA TAYLOR46 Chapter 46 OLIVIA TAYLOR47 Chapter 47 OLIVIA TAYLOR48 Chapter 48 OLIVIA TAYLOR49 Chapter 49 OLIVIA TAYLOR50 Chapter 50 OLIVIA TAYLOR51 Chapter 51 OLIVIA TAYLOR52 Chapter 52 OLIVIA TAYLOR53 Chapter 53 OLIVIA TAYLOR54 Chapter 54 OLIVIA TAYLOR55 Chapter 55 OLIVIA TAYLOR56 Chapter 56 OLIVIA TAYLOR57 Chapter 57 OLIVIA TAYLOR58 Chapter 58 Olivia Taylor59 Chapter 59 Olivia Taylor60 Chapter 60 Olivia Taylor61 Chapter 61 Olivia Taylor62 Chapter 62 The End