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Stalking Aaron

Chapter 3 Let's Get it On

Word Count: 735    |    Released on: 21/10/2021

who nonchalantly decided to throw her

re you talking a

bad boy, should get it on. Right

elves an easy lay?

clouded. Hell no, she is just drunk. B

ly because you are trashed. You don't know what the hell you are saying. So jus

! It's seexxxyy tiiime!" she whine

she yanked it hard and ripped it in the process, exposing my chest. "The fu

seductively and rubbed h

w drunk is sh

d me down then straddled me. Why is this girl so freakishly strong? I t

I am ugly?" Her eyes were starting to water.

were adorable, but there was no

and hovered over me. I could smell the tequila on her b

t of alcohol did to a shy girl like her. I needed to get her off of me as I could feel myself get

es for a bit," she said and

all asleep on top o

shocker. "Five more minutes, mo

olled her

not your responsibility.

s that bed. If I left, she would be alone at Max's house, and I didn't trust Max. I decided to stay with her th

g. I scolded her for being stupid and dropped her home. She didn't say any

e been the end of

d at school. Everywhere I went, there she was, looking at me. I event

e the lo

found a note from her. Then the

back and told her off several times, but she never listened. She eve

that stopped. I was relieved. I thought I would

in, following me to my university

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