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I Still Hate You

Chapter 3 Aging like a fine wine

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 21/10/2021

to believe my own ears. This ca

st nightmare. Ethan fuckin

ation but didn't want to believe it at first. But there you

ad was throbbing. This isn't what I

tually," Ethan commented

t say as

bore," I said nonchalantly. I didn't even care abou

you're still angry at me. It's all in the past now," E

e was six foot three, tall, dark, and handsome. Taller than I remembered. I could see the outlines of hi

ue, and his face looked sharper. The

ger, which means he wasn't marri

uld show him I turned out better than him. Karma

aring at me intently. I should pretend like

r. I'm here to do my job, so let's not

gh school, so we can be on first name basis," Ethan said an

. Not now or in the future. So please, call me by my family name. I want to kee

not scared of Ethan any

inning like this was all a joke. I tried to compose myself. It w


nt Sally will show you to your office and tell you what

iful, like a model. I wondered if Ethan was interested in her.

lavish as Ethan's, but it still exceeded my expectations

I'd have to see tha

looked in high school. My tousled brown hair was slightly shorter. I styled it perfectly to make mys

office and let me know what kind of work I was expected to d


laimed after I told h

rect," I sai

you guys together so he could repent his sins,

't imagine being w

was the last man on the planet. B

that for sure,

is some closeted gay guy, I won't let him touch me with

our dick,"


jeez. No need to bite my

d wounds. He really hurt me, Allycat. And I

g about him. I know how hard it was for you to forget him

I needed to find a quick distra

I met hot single men. After scrolling through a fe

eyes with a sharp nose. Best of all, he looked not

right away. We texted back and forth a

'd help me stop thinking about that douchebag. A hot st

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue 2 Chapter 2 Long time no see3 Chapter 3 Aging like a fine wine4 Chapter 4 You don't like him, do you 5 Chapter 5 It's my turn to pleasure you6 Chapter 6 Isn't this a form of sexual harassment 7 Chapter 7 What happened last night 8 Chapter 8 The more, the merrier9 Chapter 9 Am I still hot 10 Chapter 10 Maybe I just like YOU11 Chapter 11 Oh, so we are playing hard to get again 12 Chapter 12 Eh, it's complicated13 Chapter 13 What secrets does Ethan have 14 Chapter 14 Oh, so this is priceless15 Chapter 15 Keep calm, Corey, don't get turned on16 Chapter 16 I'm not your sex slave17 Chapter 17 Am I turning you on 18 Chapter 18 What are you doing here 19 Chapter 19 Are you threatening me 20 Chapter 20 What a cute butt21 Chapter 21 Of course you missed me22 Chapter 22 Your left eye twitches when you lie23 Chapter 23 Where is he 24 Chapter 24 I know who took him25 Chapter 25 We meet again26 Chapter 26 He could be my toy27 Chapter 27 Don't fuck with me, Blondie28 Chapter 28 Take your clothes off29 Chapter 29 Don't tell me to calm down!30 Chapter 30 Shh...go to sleep31 Chapter 31 Straight into the Shark's mouth32 Chapter 32 Welcome home, sir33 Chapter 33 Make me feel good34 Chapter 34 Little birdie decided to fly35 Chapter 35 You like playing games, don't you 36 Chapter 36 You're feeling it too37 Chapter 37 I want him38 Chapter 38 One last time39 Chapter 39 Got expensive taste, huh 40 Chapter 40 So are we supposed to hug or something 41 Chapter 41 Oh great...more family drama. 42 Chapter 42 Go home, Corey. 43 Chapter 43 I'm never letting you go again44 Chapter 44 Patience, my love.45 Chapter 45 I trust you46 Chapter 46 Epilogue