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Love Made In Heaven

Love Made In Heaven


Chapter 1 Magnificent Paradise

Word Count: 2291    |    Released on: 23/10/2021

a Resort

search on google or internet for this resort, then you will be amazed and attracted to this paradise liked place surrounded by blue sea water. In the simple name of this

d its shape used Modern architectural design that has flattened some parts of the island a

f the blue sea water. You can see the beautiful yachts around the resort that are used to pick up and t

denly appeared in

d in the front desk while fixing her colored pencil cut skirt, because she is not used to wear a 1 inc

at. A group of two men and three women can be seen happily and enjoying the infinity pool on the side of the resort which is reflected in the glass wall of

ready taken her gaze away from the young people and arranged her area at th

he reflection in the small mirror, after looking at the image in the mirror she smiled to see clearly when she puts make up

dren of God?" Kristel said w

g around, Aaliyah is referring to Ms Llorca, the front desk resort manager

Kristel replied with a frown. "Then don't change the subject, why did you say that they are truly children of God?" Kriste

liyah asked her co -worker instead, she eventually felt comfortab

ame time pointed a finger at her head accompanied

ot in our currency the Philippine Peso, I've been here for two years but only five of our fel

on of a senator and three were well -known business tycoons and all foreigners f

t are you gos

sh" Aaliyah said to her c

ded Kristel who was already prepari

ied with a bit of playing sad, while ad

oud shout from front desk manager Ms Llor

head.Even though he is used to how the Front ma

t catch the shuttle bus, one more late Mr Sabater and take the consequence" Long litan

ace flushed with embarrassment, It's a good thi

ese, the VIP shuttle bus is on its way from the airport, oh you two" he pointed at Kris

ears they had been at the Bellarocca hotel and spa, they knew that

ou will join me at the main entrance of

e with her at the Hotel's entrance once the VIP guest came? They thought, but they did not hav

in entrance of this hotel" Kristel asked uncontrollably in a low tone for fe

ied Joshua who was arranging th

because you were scolded"

tantly she might hear your words, and besides any moment from now

in entrance of the hotel, which was even thirty meters away f

staring. "as usual you're always like that when you see a very beautiful woman coming into this hote

yes off the woman who had just entered the hote

was amazed by her beautiful appearance who is like a living doll in her cream -colored empire dress. paired with flat sand

ghts and five days," replied the woman, ha

. Ding! immediately registered in the machine the 2.7 million amount for f

a smile whiled handed over the female guest's card

'am, as well as our world class yacht for your i

y, my mom will come later please lead her way to my suite

lease enjoy your stay" Aaliya

m" replied Joshua who was s

the presidential suite. "This way ma'am, at the same time


e State U

ude!" followed by a round of applause af

r mother met her on the stairs to go up at the same time. She sees in her mother's eye

nds to receive Aaliyah's college diploma in the Hot

resident of the University, once h

sir" Aali

" He looked at Aaliyah’s moth

, Aaliyah's classmates applauded again, they knew how hard Aaliyah w

friend and couldn't hel

she hugged her best friend, she and Aaliyah have been

y" Aaliyah repl

Kristel said to her friend with a smile. "Congrats mo

go with Aaliyah and have a little celebr

ugh for the drama" Aaliyah once

k to our seat" the two friends sat down at

everyone cheered, You can see the smile on every Lips Of the graduates that night in various fie

e, my mother prepared a small celebration" Aaliyah s

never missed an invitation as lon

at starlight” R

el, to you beshy, then last we go to Pamela and

” Kristel ask

she went home immediately to pr

wo friends who were approaching from the stage after taking

on of Joshua who was laughing with a beautiful lady. The

ing with beautiful women, He never missed t

laughed at t

e friends, he shook his head and bid farewell to the wom

e! I have to go, my fri

smiled and motioned for her famil

ly Mr. Congeniality" Pamela t

is always like th

t’s getting " Aaliya

iversity auditorium t

y. Not far from the low cost subdivision of the University where Aaliyah's family lives, the friends ar

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