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Bloody Hunters Saga - Red Moon Love Book 1

Chapter 2 Back to Life, Back to Reality

Word Count: 1886    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

e a baby holding a teddy bear tight. The tickle from the sunlight on her eyelids made her creep her eyes, and glance on the window. A blur was in place, as she was still sleepy, but she could see a

thing from the previous night met her mind.

s. My bed has become so comfor

ned.” A male voice ma

” screamed Mika covering herself with the blanket,

s’s home.” replied Drake, standing up from

t was indeed not her own room. “Where did you say I am? What am I doing here?

top. Our men saw you, and when they tried to assist you, you went crazy, ran on our estate in the domain’s forest. When you reached midway, you collapsed. Probably because you hit your head in the accident. A doctor came last night at our boss’s orders and gave you attendance. Everything is normal, no injuries. He pu

hased by another car…. Became crazy…. That really doesn’t sound

to you?” Drake’s

st not remembering what happened. Umm, my name is M

nter is not in the best circumstances.” H

“Oh, yeah, nice to meet you, too, Drake.” S

ing you?” He consulted her wellbeing

sleep was the best since I can’t remember.”

fine. Then, where do you live, who can we contact to report what happened to you? Your parents? We haven’t found your phone on you

this morning. I refused to get in his car and took mine. I was furious because mom was against his counseling. She wants to wait for a few months. I cried a lot in the car because of my father’s sudden death, and immediate responsibilities I have. At some point, a black car wa

took a grimace, a sincer

a taxi to take me to Brightstone, it would be great. I have no phone, but I have a credit card in my car to pay for the expenses. I will also pay for my stay here, doctor and gate repairs. I hav

y is asking you to pay for anything. It was an accident and we are all relieved no human lives were lost. The

that’s how it will be. I accept nothing else as a settlement. I appreciate your kindness and help, but you guys are not obliged in any way to support

her to match his words, being captured into the girl she was. So

d. Where are my clothes?! These aren’t mine!” Her eyes flew int

here to rest. The maid came and changed you afterwards. We couldn’t let you sleep like that. She cleaned you a bit and dressed you.” He cleared the situati

et my clothes back? I really need to get going. Some businessman is after my company since the news of my father’s death hit t

ones this morning. You can use them, they are yours.” Drake pointed at the armc

m?” Her eyes wer

ld require. But if there’s something missing, you can just ask her. I will send her here right now. I will excuse myself and let you change. She will bring y

older than she looks. This girl wasn’t even impressed by me. She’s on

akfast together. “There’s no need for that, thank you. We should be going.” She said, urging him to take her to a crucial

reakfast. That’s only polite. Take a seat and let’s eat. It will not take forever.” Drake th

and grimace thinking that the ro

a watch on you. Can’t you grant me a breakfast for that?” His eyes were begging, and his lip

t’s late.” She gave in, considerin

rry to have missed you and wishes you all the best. He couldn’t delay his agenda unfortu

s for putting up with me and letting you take care of me. He did more than he was supposed to. Thank you all once again.” She sat down and took a bit from th

omised, Drake took Mika to hi

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