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Chapter 2 THE BAND

Word Count: 3040    |    Released on: 27/10/2021


h something inside is very unpleasant they should stay away from. One can hear loud conversations going on about trivial things. Just passing time. Less than half of the guests are in formal attir

r the appointed time to start the ceremony. Formality is very less ob

not so noisy town that a sound from a church bell would be heard by the birds from bit far away because there is not too many other sounds to fill th

it the church activities. To the locals, the traditional religious rites weighs more than the church wedding. A proof that the community is not yet fully infiltr

got, the louder the church bell sounded, and the faster her steps b

othing more than her normal get up. While walking,she looked down to check herself. Is she go

e saw the crowd simultaneously precipitating ins

tings came from. It was Wilma standing few feet away from her. D

still alive, she used to take her home or some other places to attend weddings. In most of the occasions, Wilma also is there with her family. And since wedding celebrations last more than a day, it gives them cousins and other relatives to spend enough time with eac

ed their topic to their career. Apparently, Wilma is currently working in a pharmaceutical company as a chemist. She’s got no boyfriend at this time. That’s another

ckered long sleeve shirt and jeans. All four eyes followed him to where he sat. They appeared like they had just seen a

udly. Both are pleasantly sur

a confirmed with a

aded looks

. In fact, he is just as tall as five feet seven inches. There was that time when that height was seen as tall for a Sagada native but this days people have become taller as their genes get mixed with people from ot

he guy made the two ladies more excit

me?” Wilma fondly asked her cou

lightly pushed Wilma and

ect for a cultural party. Relatives, even the most distant ones, reacquaint with each other. Showing oneself on weddings is on

e party,after all. Some of them are more interested with just interacting with fellow guests while the

are served in yet a cultural way. There are no tables to set your plates

e. Soon as they got their lunch packs , the

mixed in a plastic bag! And there is one pack of juice with it. That is about it for a meal during occasions su

o be done with their lunch b

s is arranged in a corner. But there are no performers on the stage. That’s stirred a new

and gathered

ne! The lead guitar is hung on his shoulders. For some magical reas

my!!” Wilma uttere

Can’t be helped. It is a given. But the band played in between ,when the band plays a couple of songs alternately, you can hear shrills of excitement from the crowd which trooped forw

ow! His voice was just too manly ladies cannot help but..People are cheering aggressively. After his s

ers. That means he ,and probably the whole group,

the dance floor. They held their partne

via,however didn’t say anything. She, herself is enjoying the show

guests had become more focused on the band seeming to have f

good performer, Oli

the bride and groom, “God’s Plan”. The song is obviously very popula

ut to find o

special that the

o hold, toget

the rest o

t of God’s p

woman and I

t of God’s p

earts till de


met you, you w

known you every

saw right to m

me all th

t of God’s p

woman and I

t of God’s p

earts till de


the storm in e

rever, Go

iring tonight’s performance. From the moment he started singing, there was something formed on

came here to spend Christmas with relatives who were then living here. That night a neighbor invited her to a dance party. That was when she first saw Gene.

shake. “Uh, if you don’t mind I’ve got somethi

you about. I have a proposal. But let’s talk about that to

at nine thirty is that is okay with you?” He decided as though

I’ll see you tomorro

oup so they left him alone. They would have been more than will

king, Olivia?” She couldn’t b

ng with that?

ouldn’t help but blurt a controlled laughter. She is thinkin

ilma, you wat

at is in her mind.”Look, Wilma, I am a song writer, right? Is it so

re early. She took a bottle of cola and busied herself on her phone to pas

on is the one thing that contributes to how sexy he looks. He is not that tall of a man, also with his five feet seven inches height. And maybe his medium body build seems to help c

or. She instantly readied herself , especially what she i

smiled at him right aw

n his folded arms..Later he begun tapping the table as though he is in the mood of any pl

of coffee and slices

do.” That is the first thing she could think of saying while wai

Do I?” as if that was

“ Their snacks were already set on their table. “ Did you ever perform in some other places asid

vel and won.. and then we got hired in one of th

sipping is steaming. Sagada coffee didn’t become famous for nothin

n song?”She has no idea how Gene would rea

no response

something bigger in the future..” She looked at him to make sure she has his attention still. And there ,he seemed to be listening ,

he talks to her with good ease. Overall he

songs?” She proposed straightfo

ng for the first time will require something else. Introducing something new.. He was silent after tha

, Olivia has to brief them with what is needed.It seems all of the bo

consecutive days to set up the things.

she wish? This whole plan she made wasn’t at all there before the wedding, or before seeing Gene. It was a deci

o cares, she won’t lose anything . Besides, she sees it as somethi

nd be in the zone whenever he plays. It goes right into anybody’

Band cam

e band. She liked his voice. She loved how he played guitar. The guy is a gifted performer, indeed. Bu

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