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Chapter 8 EIGHT

Word Count: 1225    |    Released on: 01/11/2021

? Because I was fairly certain mi

e on your way," I sug

ting at is th

you, but you've made other visit

d, and that's when my

first night, and if he was beautiful otherwise,

two dimples,


y I'm pissed?" he inquire

to be a jerk, so please, if you're so busy,

p today, Sav,

made that clear,

h in his eyes intensified

call me a baby w

l me Peaches, b

said, and I wasn't sure if this was a dema

eath waiting for th

oked my jaws once more. I tried to pull my face away

at you can't keep," he adv

ve to tell you to get o

s," he said,

r real, that

n life; it's refreshing and keeps

it," he warned. "You're not g

ou?" I asked on the

and lifted me up. "You

ess you?" I re

s, honey,

me your name

, I pref

d, "God!" while stomping my foot, realizing

used t

noticed one of his hands had vanished and his mouth was at my neck,

rom head to toe wi

eck, into mine, his hand returned

and like a freak of nature, he was

moved to the window to double-chec

the door and looked into

at I was fairly certa


but was now in a neighborhood of much newer houses, bu

ng room or den was to the right, behind sliding inset glass doors, but it was now empty. There is nothing there. A swinging doorway leads into a

apse through the floor. I thought he was exaggerating because he despised my house and still does. Even so, I had no idea why I thought this because my fa

apse through the floor. I thought he was exaggerating because he despised my house and still does. Even so, I had no idea why I thought this because my fa

efinished the wood plank floors in my bedroom and office, as well as the walls in both rooms. Evelyn and I painted my bedroom, and Evelyn made me fantastic roman blinds for the windows

h as their own lives, the faucet in my half-bath downstairs not turning off, the roof lea

h whom she'd been dating for five years. It was a loving but challenging relationship because both Darren and Micah had an attitude. But

of the time, stupidity. allowing him to come to me in the middle of the night despite not knowing his name


uncomfortable or hurts your feelings. Toni had three boyfriends, all of whom were jerks, but she kept them because she couldn't bring herself to break up with them, even

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