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The Blueprint

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 604    |    Released on: 28/10/2021

ith the Weapons of Destruction, specially designed by me, I will challenge you, your authority and the rest of t

ents of Limitations, including you, illumination, though you were specially created for my very pleasure! But since you want to have your Divine Dominance at my very expense, then, we will have to see who would win this battle; you or me…the cr

e extraterrestrials. But when He realised, He ordered the Invincible Presence of The Guard and his company of Profound League of Justice Keepers to drive them away. By the use of approaches of the Well of Inspiration, Power of Might, Divinity

ve axes. It was at this point in eternity that the effect of the change in direction of vibrations of universality had an effect on illumination: he had his name changed to The Divider. His cohorts became Agents of Destruction. Wind, Fir

e-print plans forever! Of course, you know that I have all the ideas. I can say I am an exact replica of you; I have the ‘godly’ powers to change things as you do…So, Source, be the ready for a tough battle, through and through, especially with you

tructing the guards, members, subject to the Guard’s

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