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Secrecy Novella

Chapter 3 A Deed for Death

Word Count: 3233    |    Released on: 29/10/2021

to double the happiness by offering some of her small-sized clothes and childhood toys to the orphanage in a

s to share the other half with the kids above. They were

n to lessen Anne’s job. Walking downstairs Anne’s attention was grabbed by

ead, she saw a boy standing by the window. He had a pair of puppets in his hands. Anne went c

ation by saying, “ Hey

her and said,

urther, “You lo

here and I have the least friends to

s… how did you

look great! H

token of birthday to him. He said, “Sadly, I don’t have

ve to do that. I don’t offer something to

ttingly, she couldn’t refuse to accept those. She left after gr

up at the window and wa

, “Anne, whom are

hat kid stan

to Anne and they left. The party went qui

Anne headed to her bedroom and so did her parents leaving maid Anna in the kitchen to clear the

saw a kid seated on the couch. She walked slowly in fear towards the couch and saw it vacant. She thought maybe her sleepyhead is imagining things. She went to her room where the lights weren’t on, turning

her bedroom lights while the others sharing same connection were working fair. After

:55 p.m. when Anna woke up reminding whether she had turned off the gas stove’s button.

he switch board but the trick didn’t work this time. The room went dark and the gas stove

woke and rushed towards the kitchen. Th

f and carried Anna to his car. It was

surprise, “What wa

ued, “I hope

n cannot be recovered, some ointments mentioned in the list could help her face tissues to recover fast.

ing now?” asked A

assured I stepped towards my room and then again the lights went off when the switch was on. I thought there was some misconnection and this was similar to m

you inform us?” to which Anna replied,

along with the medicines so

r than ever for her classes were about to begin in half an hour. Her f

eet the debate coordinator. On meeting him, she got her

t after a good and long christmas vacation. First was the mov

have something first. They caught hold of the nearby restau

made them to buy the tickets for the shows were free. It was a 9:00 p.m. s

asked one of the sellers, “Why does this look empty? Like are we the

are the first ones but there could be more like us right?” to which he replied

lex and the ambience wasn’t good e

He started to panic, he kept phoning some of his friend

e phone, he began to panic. Meanwhile, the o

times but no response. She checked the stall area, there were none,

n doing that he turned around and said, “What took you so

, one arm at the shoulder and one at the abdomen

rs and they headed immed

knew what happened with him, they waited for his recovery. W

alone?’, when I returned to the auditorium, the entrance door was missing, I tried calling but then my phone having the sim card was showing ‘no SIM card’…after that someone banged my head to the wall. I remember vaguely…that person took me in the

n’t do anything but the shadow behind him was terrifying. She was a female I guess, the moment I started to w

an idea of who he was, except one, Riza. She pan

need a priest’s help!”. Rey and Anne calmed her dow

th him, I didn’t know that someone from his past was the reason. His dad was killed by a witch, his mother was kille

his son’s life, he asked her to take his life instead. She disappeared for about a week, by that tim

ngers along with the vegetables when he stopped her from doing that she aggressively moved t

all of them and buried his wife in the backyard, cleared up the mess and kept weeping in his bedroom. While weeping he fel

w about Tanner because he had vanished from the orphan

What kind of

and kind…something mu

. The nurse on asking said that he went with his father. On hearing her say

ed, “Who

ed, “He is

told us that your father went for a

told him clearly I don’t have it. He acted weird as if he was in possession or something, he picked me up by my neck

ng us to those lingering spirits…guys does any

ou say with assurance that a

when I was in orphanage with him. We ne

but Anne did. She spoke while removing the toy

yes, “Yes, that is Tanne

bout Tanner and to what I’ve known he is still in the orphanage and he is neith

Tanner being of her age wasn

eed to hurry before she becomes one in flesh! She’s taken two lives, four more to go a

ove towards the orphanage and on their way they noticed th

coordinator. She woke up in disgrace and said, “What’s wrong? What a

on the guards to assist. Anne had to speak up. She was surpri

Tanner died. He never reached the orphanage. Riza, the boy you talked could’ve been his

clear them Anne asked, “Why is he contac

orphanage, he made up everything from then on. Anne, the toy was gifted to you because you reside in the house where he l

t, “How do you k

hardened voice, “I know this because she told me and she

ry and rush to my ho

th the door bell but none showed up. They had to slide in from the back door, on stepping i

backyard but the question was how when the land was even and detecti

tough; in middle of this the witch spoke in whispers, “The teddy you had was a good chance for you to es

ackyard under a tree. Signalling the others to dig,


he body…the ash is he

the wall, on doing so the witch became angrier than before. She banged A

inued their work until the altar shined through the entire hous

bright and vanished slowly. However, this wasn’t enough for

, then dissolved the remains in

normal. Alex got a part of his head swol

the house was who was helping Anne and

My intuition wasn’t ready for that, I carried it all along and that’s how I saw Tanner co

“I get that but then why did

I assist in conducting prayers on events, also I have a pocket bible and An

nly asked, “What? Did y

showing the p

t abruptly when we had visited his house. Anne, he is

got transferred. They were neighbours. They then landed

idence they

m from childhood and what he represented himself to us was

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