Adventures of buju
he just wanted to give me my phone" Daniel replied, and they both laughed.. "well hope you are going to attend the basketball victory party tonight?" Daniel asked. "Sure, I will..
y he decided to go back to the bus stop where they met to see if.... Or rather to try his luck. "If this woman is really meant to be my wife as I go to the bus stop let me see her again today" he had said in his heart. As he went there he kept on looking around like he forgot something aimlessly wondering about for hours wishing to see her, but when he was sure that she wasn't going to come to the bus stop that day he turned to go home disappointed. "Looking for someone?", A
eartedly as they began to munch the Delicious meal. "Dad", Buju began, "bolu and I would like to attend our victory party tonight please.. I scored the wining goal for our basket ball team and I am going to be the chief celebrant", he added. Mr and Mrs Ladipoe chuckled at that last part, then they kept a serious face and cleared their throat. "Pleeeeeeeaaaaaasse??" , Buju and Bola pleaded in unison. "Bola stop it I hate when you keep that puppy face" Mrs Ladi
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short nothing about him seems to fit or so he thought he hadn't really discovered his sexually, he was still a virgin at the age of 17 and he doesn't hv any female friend.... He doesn't really flow well with the female folks, the only girl he manages to talk to in school was Rachael, buju's female bestie and that was only when buju was around or if not their topic of discussion always centers around him. Yes buju was his best friend and perh
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