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A Surprised Baby For Doctor Hottie

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 1890    |    Released on: 04/11/2021

he kiss wasn't s

new there was something more to it. And I had the proof in the form of a half-stiff cock. As I shuffled back to my seat, I cursed the scrubs for being

ke the kiss more, not to put my hands on those ripe, round hips and drag he

er all these years? Sure, she was beautiful, se

g more p

hit-chat and sip their drinks. The baseball coach was chatting with one of t

fingers at me. As a man who was told he had a high opinion of himself, I recognized confidence when I saw i

, I had a se

ssed women whom I wouldn't have minded taking out for a weekend in Bora under normal circumstances. They appeared to be

d she was the one woman who didn't want anything to do with me so much that I couldn't even persuade her to make a

e her. Not after what

d a whirlwind few years. He was married, had a wonderful child and another on the way, and Bermas Medical Group was

e her. Not after what

d a whirlwind few years. He was married, had a wonderful child and another on the way, and Bermas Medical Group was

as brought this charity to life, and as a result of her heart, brains, and ambition, Bermas Medical Group has grown to become one of the nation's largest medical charitable organi

r to enter the stage. She did, and he kissed her on the cheek before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and motioning

discovered. And I, for one, was not one of those people. But it's not like I was looking for l

hook my head and returned my gaze to the stage. Joven continued his speech, giving a moving explanation of the importa

mouth of a man who, at one point, only seemed to care about being

lapping his hands. "Let's get start

drew a small stack of n

"The first beefcake on the block is Jason D

aking a shot. Joven motioned for him to come on stage,

to take the plunge for this real catch of a man? " His jok

, yelled a woma

bers rising steadily from ten thousand pesos, thirty thousand pesos, and finally to

he man who's going to..." He grinned. "Wait a minute. I'm not even going to get into t

ldn't help but notice how ta

the intensity of what they were witnessing. Women were jokingly fanning themselves and placing their hands on their brows as if fainting, and I chuckled as I continued my sca

t the wall, a conflicted expression on her face. I had no idea what she had in mind. But

Adam. Gia's eyes widened as she cast an irritated glance at Kendr

ending the fireman's run. Defeated, Kendra stuffed her paddle into her purse, putting an end to

prepared to be

lead singer of Ben&Ben! And rumor has it that he's already working on his

million times before. He stuck his tongue out, making the devil horns s

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" He wailed the words as

a few of the older members of the audience seemed p

highest bid for the night wins a weekend in Bora, including flight, hotel, and dinners, with the rest paid for by Bermas Medical

resist a rock star was true. Ben bounced on his boots, his palms outstretched

0,000 to the lovely Miss Buban!" B

it possible for me

y and a very special guest, t

inking and waving, and gave Joven a

n to the audience. I could tell you he went to Stanford Medical School. Isn't that impressive? What if I told you that this man is so brilli

r how proud I was of them. Even though Joven was doing it all

ountry." Dr. Garcia's career is already in the stratosphere at the age of thirty-five. And if you knew the ma

ousand pe

. She raised her paddle, a happy expression on h

ots as I waited to s

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