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Embolden star

Chapter 5 Start over

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 10/11/2021

e stairs until I reach the apartment; I was about to give a knock on the do

he food which he accepted while taking it his hand's br

e door but stop from doi

a smile; he was wearing a mask but it s

smile i

; and now the month just started...I always do that; your owner k

at; I'm sorry," I said

aid the man while

. I pass the entrance when suddenly my phone buzz; indicating s

I answered. It was

er; honey," said the p

ng number," I said but he say so

hould play the game;

vousness; my heart started to beat fast in fe

emember my dar

e but he already ended the call before hearing


ving the coat from my body and throwing it under t

oom with a towel around my waist. I was

table; back facing me; dressed in a light blue sweatshirt with black jeans; with t

ean while turning

id while pointing my index finger to th

said with a

in that too," I said gettin

otect My beauty from these people " he replied as I poke m

he responds while hand

hile pointing my finger to the conta

und and walking towards the table; a

ontinue doing

ny; after I was done wearing clothes. I was

good for health! " I said as he

y head to my glass fixing my eyes in it. Soon, I

ver " Dean raise a qu

me. I shook my head softly and smile bitterly,

ou try?"

n it. Hope I meet her again; Soon "

( Rosi

r, " asked the poli

as he was writing in

l nervous; with a hope that we wi

you later; thank

but he was nowhere but now he won't be able to run from us..." Said the pol

e he held my wrist and started

need to tell just call me " he softly spea


Dean; quietly when sudd

s to call his wife Old lady or we can say annoying her; they go

said on the call

ster in law

pers and Huggies fo

lass on the table and started to

do that for

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