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Word Count: 2739    |    Released on: 09/11/2021


ife are wearing clothes. We are not of the cloth. Help me by getting to your feet, clap your hands, shout and ululate if you l

es gave a clap offering. The la

all beloved of

voice was a little hoarse with age but authoritativ

ited. He throws all hands into the air. If they were feet, I would have be

at cross legged looking up at her tall and gangly man giving a speech. He did not lik

nes. The last time I drank from a saucer, it crashed to the left. The cup oh my goodness, I only rescued its handle. Beside I am yet to fathom a way of

e continued. “Wh


a man and a woman,”

usband and his sister


woman to make a familiar couple within the ma

e reverend appl

unrelated species of people whose u

s mathematical theorem. Marriage was instituted by God and not men. Let’s read Genesis 2 verse 18. The wonderful thing is that God c

lied. “He looks li

n Bible reading: - “Sh

of the hi

is not good that the man should be alone

Reverend Jealous said. “

s s

were the beginning of the human race. All right, all you men look at your ladies.

lovenly, frayed, frowzy, untidy, inefficient, calloused, horny, skin was wrinkled, rough skinned, piggish, under fed survi

r, cat calls and whistles. The ladies were c

them p

der’s web complete with small insects in it like lice. I want to believe. As to bathing, mama mia

them f

nd had continued. “Should I


s touching the ladie

eers and chor

rld. He knew what we would be doing here before we even came here. He already knew when He formed men of the dust of the Earth that He needed to form a woman. Mark my words, man w

lways the worst. It has to be tested rigorously with rectification of errors before it goes into

other men clapping their hands in agreement. He was enjoyi

s the final and the best draft ever. None of us here are beautiful. That woman you are lo

y,” his w

Heavens and the angels. Let that beautiful baby boy grow. Soon he will start growing into a monster with a hairy chest an

n women and women in Genesis 1 and 2 otherwise we would have remained lonely and threatened with extinction. Eve did not have a choice but to fall in love


eer drink. Woe to a physically impaired person who is standing there. A man drunken with opaque traditional beer and a truck carrying the same pass the physically sight challenged men on opposite sides. That person will be hard pressed to identify a delivery truck or the drinker of its contents. If a drunkard is standing by a beer drinking


ith him,” the pastor’s wife replied. “If you can

sible thing to say,”

e thing I ever said because

tening,” the reverend had re

wife,” she replied. “We

is wife. “I received a hat with a list of names.

en are listening

aused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man,



reathed into it. He gave His Word. It became flesh. He breathed. The rib became your wife. Look a


o a drainage ditch but he did. I tell you what I saw. He went into the dirty and murky waters. He came out looking at Eve as the waters carried him

ider wine. Straight away the Bible records that Adam started prophesying about bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. After the prophecy, he day dreamed looking at her royal highness. I think he worshipped the Lord b

woman who marries in the evening for a fee and divorces in the morning. He did not bless them that take short bursts of pleasure with each customer as many as humanly possib

won’t last twice in a night. He did not bless what we read in the daily newspapers. A single men in the villages marrying fourteen women and having a busload of child

nk would be fu

ead would hav

. You are dealing with a demon. A proper person with proper functions cannot have two people in the same night. A proper per


The other side is extra marital affairs which is adultery. You say it is part of your culture to satisfy your whim on


you say you are a forthright Christian, where does Diana and Susan extra to your wife come in? Do you know there is no curse of poverty only that we select ways that draw us back? A farmer does well tilling his

ocks or wash and dry them out? The moment a son starts working away from home, he wants a woman t

boys and men to wash the dishes, wash their own clothes including socks? You are also parading the laziness of your daughters by insisting on maids where your daughters and sons should work. The maid cleans

mping over our so called African upbringing and culture. It’s no longer normal to hear of a couple whose husband works in town while the woman stays in the

e the wife is. If a septic tank is full to the brim, how do you keep flushing into it? It needs to be emptied. Every tank should be emptied conveniently within the marital union. This is the reason why AIDS and STIs were imported into

eways at his host. His wife rose dutifully for her late age. He continued looking a

ne shouted from wi

ht tmagor

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