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Under the Sun

Chapter 3 However long the night, the day will break.”

Word Count: 1261    |    Released on: 09/11/2021

n the market square. Stream bank was a two-year-old bank built at the centre

ank ooh", One of the

close this bank, take their time, solve their problems, and r

ity, can't you see that the staffs are few, t

facilities and recruit more staffs because these ones here are too

voice from behind nagging noticeably and

my God! It’s not even moving, I need to see the manager, I really need to see him", a short, fat man with a husky

t", the customers clamoured. As they were demanding the attention of the man

to the poor internet service network but our e

s they are still fixing?” On

usually have internet waha

hat it will be fixed soonest." The soft tone of the manager

the money hurry ooh, abeg help me do am for your c

as you can see she is old", a young m

ager stated as he also assisted mallam balarabe to withdraw some money. The customers murmured and clamoured until they hear

." Mallam Balarabe thanked the m

me my son?" mall

", the manager respon

ka da'na( May Almighty

nager responded and

d weak. Al-warith gave him a cup of w

weak and tired, or should I take you

n, it's nothing

inutes to regain his lost streng

son), are yo

I'm glad you

ng tomorrow immediately after the Morning Prayer so as to meet

we going?" Al-war

we get there." Malla

’s face, it was obvious that he

om harming and to be harmed. I could see vengeance in his eyes. I also have this strong feeling that the killers of his parents are after him.

ning Prayer. Everywhere was a bit dark, the breeze blew aggressively. The onl

people rushing towards a green-yellow bus with their bags. "I think that's the first bus, let's hurry son." Mallam Balarabe said. When they got to t

iver won't allow lapping; besides, you are too

forgot that it's this weak lap t

, I was on

yau, se ka ne mo abinci da ka'nka ( fro

uri( I'm sorry) Al

m only joking)." Mallam Balarabe uttere

lam Balarabe to lap his grandson. Everyone

as barely 30 minutes after the bus took off that problems started emanating. One

ou step on my toes and you can't eve

sorry my son)." Mall

randpa? You can't say so

for saying that”, the

ones are those who don't have regards for their e

ite." Mallam Balarab

is rude, you are old enough to be his fathe

to raise insult on the man for been insolent to

we are leaving Gidan-kowa. Da'na (my child), you'll understand everything when the time comes. Hmm! In the moment of crises, the wi

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