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The Earth Trembled


Word Count: 2441    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

le face. In spite of her peculiarities and seeming coldness, she was a girl who could easily awaken a passionate love in a warm, generous-hearted man like the one

xpression. Even in that brief instant she was transfigured, for the woman within her was revealed. As if conscious of a w

s so strong, and found such powerful expression in her dark, sad eyes, that for a moment he was dumb and embarrassed. Then his own high spirit rallied, and a

e table, he said quietly, "You think I hav

fferently on many s

you like a man to be a

I do not think it necessary, however, to r

th you, Mara," he

Mr. Clancy. We differ. Had we

n your home. You are a lady, and therefore can compel me to leave u

her acqu

character if permitted, if I received one particle of encouragement." Then, with a sudden flush, he said firmly, "I wil

averted it, and replied briefly

nnot think me false, even though you say I am mistaken. Hitherto you have opposed to me a dead wall of silence. Though you will not listen to me as a lo

than a differe

cord to one whom you once regarded as a friend the privilege of pleading his cause. Truth and right do not intrench themselves in repelling silence. That is the re

ncy, that you cannot understand me. In some women the stronges

so cold toward me

f my murdered parents," she replied

entually died from injuries received in the war, but he was not murdered. H

when men are overpowered in defending their homes. If armed robbers broke into your house, and you gave blows as well as received them, would you

have fought at my father's side. But the question is now settled. No matter how we feel about it, the North and the South must live together, and it is not my nature to live in hate. Suppose I could-suppose it were possible for all Southern men to feel as you do and act in accordance with such bitter enmity, what would be the result? It would be suicide. Our land would become a desert. Capital and commerce would leave our cities because there would be no security among a people implacably hostile. Such a course would be more destructive than invading armies. My business, the business of t

him, and now met his eyes with an inscrutable exp

urged, "you have not even trie

of knowing. Do you think that I can forget that my grandfather was mangled to death, and that his last words were, 'I was only trying to defend my home'? Do you think I can forget that my father was trampled into the very earth by your Northern friends with whom you must fraternize as well as trade? I will not speak of my martyred mot

up, but by an evident and powerful effor

guments, political and financial considerations would te

yal to them,"


contrary to the law of God, it is impossible to human nature, that happiness and bitter, unrelenting enmity should exist in the same heart. You are not only unhappy, but you are in deep trouble of some kind. I saw that from your face to-day before you saw me and could mask from a friend its expression of deep anxiety. You shall hear the truth from me which I fear you hear from no other, and your harsh words shall not deter me from my resolute p

eeling of her life, she had been made to doubt her position and feel that she might be a self-elected martyr. The assertion that she was doing what would be contrary to the wishes of her dead kindred pierced the very citadel of her opposition, and tended to remove the one belief which had been the sustaining rock beneath her feet. She knew she had been severe with him, and she was touched by

ay heal. Truly no girl in this city needs a friend as you do. For some reason I feel this to be true i

be her friend," s

young man's eyes darkened as they steadily met those of Mrs. Hunter, and it was evident that the forbearance he had manifested to

ard; I received her from her dying mother, and so have rights which

he utmost courtesy that I shall not obey you. Only Mara

ht have y

; you do not. As remorselessly as a graven image

o my aunt in that way. She has be

in tender, loving remembrance, she is forging that memory into a chain to restrain you from all that is natural to your years. She is teaching you to wreck your life in fruitless opposition to the healing influences that have followe

r," cried Mrs. Hunter

e result to me what it may, you sh

esponse, "and you are not a gentlem

. Mara, am I to see you

air, and again buried

ign. Then with his eyes fixed on her

cry, "Owen," but her aunt stood betwe

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