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She Who Became A Badgirl

Chapter 5 4

Word Count: 1726    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

t of me. Somebody who likes intruding in my own life, who meddles with my own thi

ention. How dare him belittle my rationales. How dare him belittle me. I said I'll make

just because he threw me such words he invented himsel

n plan another

the bodyguards to accompany me, I walked out the car and closed the cardoor by myself. It created a loud sound because of the impact and I don't

y knew when is my presence seemed. The bodyguards stopped following me when I finally got inside and I though I can now breat

et." Innov gave me

ok stupid."

your every bashful comments about me just say it with a smile. Come on, Vanez. You just su

t even know why he turns out being t

, I'm not acquiring stupidity, not like you. So without all due r

but I'm feeling empty too at the bottom of my soul. I clicked the doorknob of my room and entered relentlessly. I threw my bag elsewh

ould I

owed out a loud sigh before getting up and walked slowly at the main door. I

o join their snacks dow

, huh? I thought it's an important matte

door that I don't want to be disturbed by a random matters? Listen, Anya, t

o talk back but I already shut the d

arlier was gone and replaced by bitterness. I just diverted my attention by watching som

he mood to go downstairs. I can't bear seeing their faces. The faces of the people who made me like this. The reason why my life sucks. And the only person I thought I woul

es than die in boredom here. I won't die alone, never! I'm done exploring

my wallet and kept it inside my pants' pocket. I closed the window and arranged the curtains. I'm on a second floor and ev

e she

eyes when I saw the

really is a devil and red is perfect to describe how hellish she is. I walked downstairs. I saw Akira watching TV in the

want to laugh sarcastically when dad

rest."I don't have homework

red beside him and she even encircled her arms around his arms. I became emotionl

g as a learner. You shouldn't turn your back at the tasks given to you. How will you learn if you keep o

can't be

her?" I responded. He

" dad w

'm at fault a

meddle with my business. She's not my mom who can tell me anything she wants," then I mov

st tightened. I

out and left them there. But I'm not yet reaching the doub

's already late night!"

ooked back

! To a place where I won't see any of your fa

ginal plan. I know they knew my previous tricks I used to them before but this one is different from the other. I'm not a rebel for no reas

t them all so I need to apply some trick. I distracted the first three first, punched their faces, kicked their buttocks, hips and legs. I gave one of the bodyguards a headbutt while I punche

d them. I hid myself behind the palm tree outside, I saw how they despe

ds inside my pocket. It's a matter of time when I saw four silhouettes at the s

e have here." Dub

an now clearly see their appea

irl." Rashid mock

glected man."

ul mouth, as always." Baron

s early." And lastly, I gla

I smirked, boasting. I gained sig

ready knew me too well. This is where I'm seeing myself. I think this is where I really belong. They are n

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