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The Efficiency Expert

The Efficiency Expert



Word Count: 1657    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

Table of

wing to a close were the nearly four years of his college career-profitable years, Jimmy considered them, and certainly successful up to this point. In the beginning

up of happiness, and an unassailably dominant position among his fellows, would be assured, leaving nothing more, in so

od account of himself in his preparations for the battle, and there were rumors, as there always are about every campus, of marvelous exploits prior to his college days. It was even darkly hinted that he was

er any aggregation of low-browed fight fans witnessed. The details of this gory contest, while interesting, have no particular bearing upon the development

to concentrate his mind upon a college text-book which should, by all the laws of fiction, ha

inflicted all this unnecessary anguish upon an already unhappy world. In about three rounds I

red one of those strange apparitions which is the envy and despair of the small-town youth-a naturally good-looking young fellow, the sartorial arts of whose tailor had elevated his waist-line to his arm-pits, dragged down his shoulders, and caved in his front until he had the ap

cried Jimmy.

the other. "Faculty meeting. T

ow what Whiskers wants with me, but he never

y to me. In fact, he insinuated that dear old alma mater might be able to wiggle along without me if I didn't abjure my crimi

"There are two kinds of people in this world


" he said. "Pray for me, and leave me one cigarette to

ble, and with owlish gravity attempted to emulate the appearance and manners of their seniors. At the head of the table sat Whiskers, as the dignified and venerable president of the university was popularly named. I

he uniformly low average of your academic standing. At the earnest solicitation of the faculty members of the athlet

the semester you devote yourself exclusively to your academic work. If you cannot assure me that you will do this, I believe it would be to the best interests of the university for you to resign now, rather than to fail of grad

ed to round out his fourth successful season at first base. But if Jimmy was momentarily stunned he gave no outward indication of the fact, and in the brief interval of

every other consideration, but presently a less selfish impulse projected upon the screen of recollection the figure of the father he idolized. T

e raised his eyes to t

tanding that if at the end of each month between now and commencement I do not show satisfactory improvement I shall not be permitted to play on the team. But p

the bargain, a good judge of boys, gave Jimmy another chance on his own terms, and the university's

ualities of character which attracted others to him, with the result that there was seldom an hour during the day that he had

inquired as

"And now," he said, "if you birds love me, keep out of here from now until commencement. There isn't a guy on earth can concent

over the walls of Jimmy's study, whereon were nailed, pinned or hun

and we will come. Otherwise we will leave you to your beloved books. It is too bad, though, as the bar-boy was just e

t interested," and the boys l

and won his diploma. Nor did he have to forego the crowning honors of his last baseball season, although, l

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