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A Devil's Torniquet

Chapter 5 What's going on

Word Count: 990    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

r walled room with its flickering light bulb and

is pocket and lit one, while throwing th

ective asked as he puffed a

eled look was pitiful and the detective wants nothing more but to send her to a hospital before continuing with th

ed his hand on the table, causing the wom

but if a life is at stake, you mus

t talk abou

on't you want t

horrified look, "Trisha, oh my god

king his seat inside the police station. The day went on, as normal as it could be. There weren't enough cops in their precinct that day, given it was February 14th and everyone was busy with V

n the side of highway 28. Him and another cop responded. And what greeted them was an old couple who had their

to a car accident, given the amount of blood and wounds she had on her body. But according to Antonio, when th

leece blanket, hugging what looks like a black and white cloak. He slowly walked up to her and introduced himself. His partner by then had called for paramedics. Bartolome tried h

that's how he found himself liste

partner Marcus peeked inside and motioned for him to follow. Detective Bar

sked. The detective shook his head in r

id the storm is too strong, t

em about the wom

ived first aid which means she

tective Bartolome couldn't

edical assistance and although I want nothing more but to pry her for information.

on getting her here first, we could have dropp

towards his partner before headi

ha! He will kill her!.. The woman scream

l me where to find them, is there anything about the

. I can't.

frantic woman, keeping his cool, prayi

words will not help her unless it ac

to help Tri

s hand on the table, frustrat

left the chair she was sitting on, ran towards the far left cor

oman. It maybe insensitive of him to not offer an apology, but she had been blabbering nons

y burst open and his partner Marcus steppe

e walked out of the room, leaving the woma

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