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Fame Killed the Queen

Fame Killed the Queen


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 369    |    Released on: 11/11/2021

erfection, her eyebrow marked in an intri

rfection. The buildings are covered with intricate designs, painting the city's horizon with various shapes and jaw dropping magnificence

school. A five storey building, occupying a quarter, of a 1600 acre lot, commonly known as Glamor High. It is a prestigious

s, both physical and intellectual. They are painstakingly sorted by means of their loo

e year comes, every girl will extricate themselves from their normal rou

for two consecutive years and is known as an embodiment of perfection. She is the daughter of a famous celebrity and an Internet

enteen KC has built a multitude of fans in and out of Glamour high. As a senior, this year would be her last at San Juaquin. Everyone believed s

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