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The Elements of Geology


Word Count: 6690    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

o far studied. A section of it, such as that illustrated in Figure 87, shows that for the most part it is unstratified, consisting of clay, sand, pebbles, and even large bowlders, all ming

ies of rocks. Pebbles and bowlders have been left far from their original homes, as may be seen in southern Iowa, where the drift contains nuggets of co

ing held firmly against the lapidary's wheel. In many places the upper surface of the country rock beneath the drift has been swept clean of residual clays and other waste. All rock rotten has been planed away, and the ledges of sound rock to which the surface has been cu

by any process now at work anywhere in the eastern United States. To find the agent which

und it a trackless desert destitute of all life save such lowly forms as the microscopic plant which produces the so- called "red snow." On the smooth plain of the interior no rock waste relieves the snow's dazzling whiteness; no streams of running water are seen; the silence is broken only by howling storm winds and the rustle of the surface snow which they drive before them. Sounding with long

known as NUNATAKS. Down the valleys of the coastal belt it drains in separate streams of ice, or GLACIERS. The largest of these reach the sea at the head of inlets, and are therefore called TIDE GLACIERS. Their fronts stand so deep in sea water that there is visible seldom more than three hundred feet of the wall of ice,

warm and humid climates, nor by currents of air, as are deserts to a large extent, but by a sheet of flowing ice. What t

lls of the interior of the country. The upper layers are commonly white and free from stones; but the lower layers, to the height of a hundred feet or more, are dark with debris which is being slowly carried on. So thickly studded with stones is the base of the ice that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish it from the rock waste which has bee

kinds gathered, we may infer, over a large extent of country. It is laying down its load without assortment in unstratified deposits. It grinds down and scores the rock over which it moves, and in the process many of the pebbles of its


as Alaska, the western mountains of the United States and Canada, the Himalayas, and the Alps. As the glaciers of the Alps have been studied

moist air driven up the mountain slopes are cooled by their own expansion as they rise, and the moisture which they contain is condensed at a temperature at or below 32 degrees F., and therefore is precipitated in the form of snow. The summers are cool and their heat does not suffice to completely melt the heavy snow

tical mile below the snow line. The presence in the midst of forests and meadows and cultivated fields of these tongues of ice, ever melting and yet from year to year losing none of their bulk, proves that their loss is made good in the only possible w

ches pour in their torrents of snow and waste. The snow of the amphitheater is like that of drifts in late winter after many successive thaws and freezings. It is made of hard grains and pellets and is called NEVE. Beneath the surface of the neve field and at its outlet the granular neve has been compac

nows about it, too shallow to share its motion, and from the rock rim which surrounds

has an average width of about a mile. The thickness of some of the glaciers of the Alps is as much as a thousand feet. Giant glaciers more than twice the length of the longest in the Alps occur on the south slope of the Hima

the larger tide glaciers of Greenland are reported to move at the exceptional rate of fifty feet and more in the same time. Glaciers move faster by day than by night, and in summer than in winter. Other laws of glacier motion may be discovered by a study of Figures 96 and 97. It is importan

ered into great fragments, which unite again below the icefall. Crevasses are opened on lines at right angles to the direction of the tension. TRANSVERSE CREVASSES are due to a convexity in the bed which stretches the ice lengthwise (Fig. 99). MAR

on the edge of the ice from the valley slopes. A medial moraine cannot be formed in this way, since no rock fragments can fall so far out from the sides. But following it up the glacial stream, one finds that a medial moraine takes its beginning at the junct

has melted down at least the distance of the height of the ridge. In summer the lowering of the glacial surface by melting goes on rapidly. In Swiss glaciers it has been estimated that the average lowering of the surface by melting and evaporation amounts to ten feet a

cumulations of snow, and of that engulfed in the glacier where crevasses have opened beneath a surface moraine. As the surface of the glacier is lowered by

wn deep crevasses and part has been torn and worn from the glacier's bed and banks. While the stones of the surface moraines remain as angular as when they lodg

t rates of motion, according to the amount of drift with which they are clogged. One layer glides over another, and the stones inset in each are ground and smo

of drift known as the terminal moraine. In valley glaciers it is shaped by the ice front to a crescent whose convex side is downstream. Some of the pebbles of the terminal moraine are angular, and some are faceted and scored, the latter having come by the hard road of the

t and loaded with sand and gravel washed from the ground moraine. "Glacier milk" the Swiss call this muddy water, the gray color of whose silt proves it rock flour freshly ground by the ice from the unoxidized sound rock of its bed, the mud of streams being yellow

a glacier differs from river sand in that it

e in brooklets which melt and cut shallow channels in the blue ice. The course of these streams is short. Soon they plunge into deep wells cut by their whirling waters where some crevasse has

s balanced by melting. Those therefore which are fed by the largest and deepest neves and those also which are best protected from the sun by a north

n in glaciers is now carefully observed in many parts of the world. The Muir glacier has retreated two miles in twenty years. The glaciers of the Swiss Alps are now for the mo

swollen with unusually heavy snows, as compared with the time needed for the

es" commonly slope more or less strongly to the south, and thus may be used to indicate roughly the points of the compass. Can you explain their formation

acier like a mountain stream wh

rrents as do two confluent rivers. What chara

of glacier motion to have on the slant

raines. Of how many tributaries is

es which you have fou

asional pauses up a valley, what


bris; but on the outer edge large quantities of englacial drift are exposed by surface melting and form a belt of morainic waste a few feet thick and several miles wide, covered in part with a luxuriant forest, beneath which the ice is in places one thousand feet in depth. The glacier here is practically stagnant, and lakes a few hundred yards across, which could not exist were the ice in motion and broken with crevasses, gather on their beds sorted waste from the moraine. The streams which drain the glacier have cut their courses in englacial and subglacial


the valley. The glacier is slow and big; its rate of motion may be less than a millionth of that of running water over the same declivity, and its bulk is proportionat

and roll much of their load along their beds, and their power of transporting waste depends solely upon their velocity. The amount of the surface load of glaciers is limited only by the amount of waste received f

trail away from some nunatak. If at its edge it breaks into separate glaciers which drain down mountain valleys, these tongues of ice will carry t

h are the bowlders of the drift of our northern states. Erratics

nstratified. The load laid down at the end of a glacier in the terminal moraine is loose in texture, while the drift lodged beneath t

s bed and banks in two ways,

rom hair lines and coarse scratches to exceptional furrows several feet deep. Clearly this work has been accomplished by means of the sharp sand, the pebbles, and the larger stones with which the base of the glacier is inset, and which it

resses into crevices and wedges the rocks apart, dislodges the blocks into which the rock is divided by joints and bedding planes, and freezing fast to the fragments drags them on. In this work the freezing and thawing of subglacial waters in

Figure 87 due chiefly t

sometimes on the opposite, the lee side, as well. In this way the bed rock often comes to have a billowy surface known as roches moutonnees (sheep rocks). Hills overridden by an ice sheet of

ers and ice sheets is recorded both in the differences just mentioned in the p

n the lee side, where indeed they may have a low cone of rock protected by them from abrasion. C

ick, in others, and especially where its pressure is least, as near the terminus, it moves over its bed in the manner of a sled. Instances are known where glaciers have advanced over deposits of sand and

above them. Such mountain hollows are termed CIRQUES. As a powerful spring wears back a recess in the valley side where it discharges, so the fountain head of a glacier gradually wears back a cirque. In its slow movement the neve field broadly scours its bed to a flat or basined floor. Meanwhile the sides of the valley head are steepened and driven back to precipitous walls. For in winter the crevasse of the bergschrund which surrounds the neve field is fi

er ice, and known locally as "basins," testify to the fact that in recent times the sno

t floor, and steep, smooth sides, above which are seen the weathered slopes of stream-worn mountain valleys. Since the trunk glacier requires a deeper channel than do its branches, the bed of a branch glacier enters the main trough at some distance above the floor of the latter, although the surface of the two ice streams may be accordant. Glacier troughs can be studied best where large glaciers have recently melted completely away, as is the case in many valleys of the mountains of the western United States and of centra

ver which the stream that now drains the valley tumbles in waterfalls. Reaches between the steps are often basined. Lakelets may occupy hollows ex

present depth below sea level, or because of a submergence of the land. Their characteristic form is that of a long, deep, narrow ba

loor. They are conspicuous features of glacier troughs from which the ice has vanished; for the trun

n its steep, high sides in waterfalls. Some of the loftiest and most beautiful waterfalls of the world leap from hanging valley

h; for, as the trunk stream approaches grade and its velocity and power to erode its bed decrease, the side streams soon cut back their falls and wear their beds at their mouths to a common level with that of the main r

er trough, with hanging valleys opening upon it, be

ture glacier, like the mature river, has effaced its falls and smoothed its bed to grade. It has also worn back the projecting spurs of its valley, making itself a wide channel with smooth sides. The bed of a mature glacier may form a long basin, since it abrades most in its upper and middle course, where its weight and motion are the greatest. Near the terminus, where weight and motion are the least, it erodes least, and may instead deposit a

heir lake- like expanse of sluggish or stagnant ice a br

sides of the trough are graded by landslips, by talus slopes, and by alluvial cones. Morainic heaps of drift are dissected and carried away. Hanging valleys and the irregular bed of the trough are both worn down to grade by the st

r trough do you notice? What inference do you

s of the Alps contained far larger glaciers than at present, and that on the north of the Alps the ice streams

olar lands. Polar ice sheets are permanent only so long as the lands remain on which they rest. Mountain glaciers can stay only the brief time during which the ranges continue young and high. As lofty mountains, such as the Selkirks and the Alps, are lowered by frost and glacier ice

ns, such as the Rockies and the Alps, still bear the marks of great glaciers which then filled their valleys. Had the glacial epoch been long, as the earth counts t

e, and ever since the dry land appeared they have been constantly engaged in leveling the cont

buoyancy of sea water raises and breaks away great masses of ice which float out to sea as icebergs. Only about one seventh of a mass of glacier ice floats abov

they melt, over the ocean floor. In this way pebbles torn by the inland ice from the rocks of the interior of Greenland and

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