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Centuries Blood

Centuries Blood


Chapter 1 Reunion

Word Count: 3197    |    Released on: 17/11/2021

of Miami with a moderate pace under

e opportunity to flaunt their chiselled and well tanned bodies with

he collar unbuttoned, a lavish pair of black flat front pants wi

ark hair made into an undercut, honey coloured al

ay he walked exuded a gentlemanly elegance

to reside in? You've never been the type to live i

ke you back with another question, brother. Why in the blazes would you wear your trade mark attir

ight black jeans of the same colour. On

quiff, brown eyes, a raised nose and a

ur choice of clothing is no better than mine. It has

ple. Enjoyment. After 4 whole centuries I simply chose a city that embodies the fresh, cool and fun at

ite direction, donning a yellow off shoulde

n the sun, accentuating its flawlessness and when she walked with the

d and perused from behind admiri

ing his gaze, turned

the other man's delight a

he news that made me hurry all the way

eved shirt wore a grim

ry. There have been four victims so far with six bite marks

there is more than one Progenitor. This could be another and

brother? Have you forgotten so easily the pain we have

eternity of life if you can't enjoy it. I'm not about to spend the rest of my endle

led by the binds of love only once and when it fell apart you've been too much of a coward to t

stopped, hand s

ed everything seemed t

their footsteps vanished. The sound of the engines of v

steps ahead and a

ck," the man


it b

as giving him. There was no frown, no anger, no rage. On

y," h


t resumed walking and sou

we wait for Gillian to arri


someone," he said. "And

brother that had a tag

ed to another street facing a

neat fashion, white umbrellas overhead to give a nice

nking coffee from her cup while enjoying

e into a choppy bob, sand colour

nd had one leg on top of the other, g

the lady followe

the lady's face as she stood up and embraced

sed an eyebrow and took a deep

e gazed intently at

ood. Are you happy abo

get about tonight, Cole," she s

wouldn't dream of

Cole to see the man with his hand in his p

r friend?"

e man in the whit


said with a slight smile as

iged and shook his

your b

. "Daniel, Margaret

roduction, brother,"

orgive me for being nervous about giving

hing, much to the two

r. I thought it was a unique trait of Cole's

l with a smile. "Let me not intrude. I'll be waiting f

ked Daniel's aloof statu

smiled and

hed a corner

him already?" said Cole with a smi

too beef

carefree for h

told me that you had a brother. I thought 3 months was the threshold where I get to kno

Its the opposite. Our bond is too strong and too enduring to allow that. Now tha

thought I needed to get some new '

a trick or two we can find out tonight. I have

ould go to my house and

ial night be celebrated in a f

ents when there is nothing to distract them. No fancy clothes, chandeliers, fo

y couch and cuddling, watching a che

looming on her face as she saw his react

to stop trying so hard al

rst out int


wish you'd be the one picking me up as an offering of

er need other than this one," Mar

t Mar


style house. It was neat, with a nice lawn to the l

or running his han

astes have imp

street and stood beside h

en bad, brother?" Col

o idea," Da

ened th

o come in

in and scann

ble lounge with four black cou

andelier. In each corner of the room was an exquisite

ed on the wall, which di

sked Cole with a hint

e have other matters to discus

aught for yourself. You wer

if not to be lived

till searchin

at I've settled now, I'd say

say that means there was a re

used to have a Royal Vampire sharing their turf, so I removed them

were you I'd make sure the





ere was a knoc

to be no older than 19 years, with leather black hair and

ile, revealing a bottle of wine

an appropriate sense of fashion," said

ed him back. "You got me wishing I was a Royal Vampire

and went up to t

ther's.... insecurity. I was wondering w

and rushed up to Daniel

w of favouritism," said

illian," Daniel sai

on the cheek and then sat

Spoil me brothers!" s

talk about this now," Cole said

ed standing,

city and other nearby towns and settlements, giving me reports

Didn't you invite me for a get to

n a years to be so bleak. There's a

cted and she sat up wi

k a dee

him?" she asked w

s not worth it to investigate further. Like I said brother, there

his? I understand Gillian hesitating as she was not

a firm expression. "I'm not. We're fam

ooked at her. Then


e'll overstay our welcome for a bit as we resolv

night anyway. I want to

?!" Gillian

ve a considerable amount of

know?" s

umanity is something I want more than anything else. I don't

are you

or a few seconds

e I nee

singly and jumped

. Let's help

head, watching


e house. The lights inside and outside were on, making for

m but chiselled figure. Recalling the battle that he had to walk out his front door wit

e of the day and for every celebration

nd waited with a feeling


the simple things above all else, choosi

e kind of girl she was. It had been a long

recall how it was t

he was dra

s, he rang the door bell again

. No

d on the doork

oor o

came vi

et," he


et!" he

ushed his foot thro

sed th

heart p

.' he thought and sped at li

kitchen, the first bedroo

lly fou

blood at the door o

to her and held

led, and tried to

cold and her he

When he looked at her neck, h

ite m

nes for a minute and just sat there

ed no

wly as he stared at

eant nothing to him at this mom

cheek and pulled

h the number of years he had lived, he knew no a

him up. He pain, the rage and the hunger. The demons that had

s he sat while holdi

e silence, followed by

s flabb

s Mar

ed to breathe as she tr

eyes we

' he thought as

rn and her heart started to beat w

e looked at her kneel and s

le and then at her ha

s happening...Arrrrghhh!.." sh

different colours; fro

and tried to

bitter expression, looki

too,' h

and held onto hi

rs ...my eyes.... It hurts.... My C

ake it anymore.

rted crying and ended her sufferin

eck, and with a great

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