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Conquerors Of Mars

Chapter 3 Do You Have A Plan

Word Count: 1271    |    Released on: 18/11/2021

o do it? - Stewart's astonishment was justifiable. Jack's car was from the beginni

id of having to flee in a moment of catastrophe. You know that for many years, cars have not been produced, and now you can't even find used

etanus from all that

And you can't even imagine how difficult it was to find gas. But it called and it worked really well. Glad I had ta

us up, right? Carol continued wit

all disposable. That's why you almost don't see the intermediate vintages, from 15 years ago, of elec

e was still purchase of the latest productions, before

it's Big Phil w

get rid of him. You know we can't get into Nebras

o need to talk like that -

eep a bunch of suitcases in one of me, just because "Bi

ght the most bags! And a bus wo

clothes! Why so much suitcase? I'm only carrying on

't go around unprotected. Or do you think that just in your tr

hree other suitcases.

t right there, get organized, everything fits a

dy, the

l existed around here? - Stewart asked the first q

a while, until Jack d

it? - Ca

a kind of alternative rock. Yes they called it rock. But I find the melody so pleasurable.

something from the last century," C

entury. They even had video, look over there. Jack tossed th

, is he doing a scene in

art! - Jack

e been wandering all this time, in shock? - Carol was

ong has already started, are we going like thi

t amazing experiences of yo

s of transport was collective, but very rare and the use of bicycles was

, going out for short perimeters and for a few moments of the day. A

rough the window, the feeling of moving from one place to another, the mood, the

ique," Jack agreed. - And I make

with songs and videos, doing analysis,

eeted the group from outside the car

entire vehicle and an image appeared

Appeared here. But it appears that they are no longer in the se

ur top secret authorization system - Jack spoke le

use of the clothes, which were different from what they were used to. He did wh

your mission - He said goodbye to the smiling driv

do? - Carol ask

the secret mission data. We'll be able to get past the first two barricade

? - Stewart, the most c

et me know. But they are very good a

barricades? - Ca

last one is still under construction -

a lot like: I have no idea

her ado, despite a slight extra awkwardn

ar and, in a short time, the solution, in thi

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