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Big Bad Alphas

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1275    |    Released on: 23/11/2021

her. Kendra must be so scared, probably thinking I was murdered. My heart aches just thinking about how I left her. What if those wolves did something to her? It would all be my fault. I ha

ance up at the men. "You're part of the Tate


I stand up. "I should

you leave," o


would happen to you. I am not one

raise an eyebrow. "So if

stop you

tage? Because it's beginning to sound like it. I don't wa

heads slowly, "I ca

ay on a limb, hopin

why is

say no again, just remember that I will... I will tell your Alpha that you...

, and you get hurt, or you try your little fib, and we mig

have to find Kendra s

raises hi

grab a hold of me, one slapping his hand over my mouth. I continue to let out muffled screams, and the more I scream the more worried I feel. Soon my screams are no longer to get my way, but because I want to get away

couch. When his hand releases my lips I mutter, "I know you're supp

People are out looking for her, so try and calm d

his whole mate thing? Let's

lpha Tate comes bac

an leave with Kendra when she gets here, because she will, and I am sure Alpha Tate has more important things to

ately jump up. "Kendra!" Turning to the

, she must not be i

possibly be there? If I could get out I would go search the safe house, but I ca

leans against the wall. "I'm sure you're not new t

o take me to him, or

each other. "Why ar

sure she's okay while your group of killers rampage my pack! So

n and sigh. "If we take you,

e me outside. Wrapping my arms around my ches


gain and it is making my hands sweat. I can't get the image of his fa

talking with a couple other men. His scent creeps up my nose and I scrunc

she doing

us to take

breath escape my lips. "I want

anything else he

As I turn in the opposite direction and take two steps, I am stopped by his hand wrapping aro

g you wander off

sibling? I have to make sure she's safe and with my mother. Those wolves could have hurt her and if they did I could never f

o my eyes. "She wasn't in the north or east halves of the

wolves!" My finger points to Landon and he rolls

scles for my roaming eyes. "Just tell me where your m

intment. Exactly what I did no

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