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How He Broke My Heart

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 2254    |    Released on: 23/11/2021

the words 'Moon Swoon' across my chest in a flower-child font. It looks vintage but it's not, and the end reaches the button of my jeans which annoys m

nd now they're a dull grey. My mother asks me to wash them, but her idea of washing shoes is shoving them in the washer and dryer. I've let her ruin too many by now, s

on't see them. "You're leaving?" My mother asks, shrugging on her jacket. "

I don't have my phone. It is stil

make a move to leave, but she stops me. "Hey, and no

mp down, squatting behind the hydrangeas. I lean against the house and wait impatiently for them to leave as well. After a minute or two, the three walk onto the porch and lock the door behin

the handle a few times before making my way around the house, looking for an open window. I test every one, slapping my

se. The legs wobble when I place it down on the patchy grass, not balancing well on the slope. I step up anyway and attempt to push the window up more so I can fit through, but to my surprise, it doesn't budge. Confused, I pull i

can stand up if I want to, but before I realize it, I lose my grasp on myself. My nails dig into the sand and my face scrunches up, tears dribbling down to my ear. My hair is in

closed his eyes and threw his head back, his long hair hanging over the seat. I gazed up at him like he was some fallen star. Without look

, I thought it was very attractive and again, I was mad at my mother. I knew girls my age did this, we go for the bad ones who anger our parents, we let them drop us off and make sure mother is watc

s that he'll see us later. Then he speeds off as

asn't there. Milo sped up to the house, tires screeching, but she wasn't there. He told me that he'd be around and I left the car quietly, disappointed th

ne of the legs have snapped, so I carry the two pieces back to the front and stand it by the d

iddle as if no one exists but me. I yank the bottom of my shirt down, b

being suffocated by them. I love my Aunt, I love the beach and the shop, but I can't help but think of them and all that they did to

ing as the lights flash off and as three people spring out, heading towards one of the few lit-up houses. My brows furrow and I pick up my pace, curious. With my arms crossed, I scan over the many other cars but halt

! Em

group behind as they walk onto the front lawn. "Me?" I question, confu

s me in, squeezing me. "What are you doing back here? You said last year th

I told and nervous over the many othe

s on me, waiting. "Well? You're a

ife, with hints of adolescence sprinkled in sparkling flakes. I do know Lauren, I know her very well. I met her when I was with Milo and we stayed friends until Kaden t

rprised. You've always liked a good party. Oh! You have to hang out with me and these people I met. Actually, you alrea

t actual

your type too. He's a bit of a troublemaker but you've always liked that," Lauren gives me a look, expecting me to laugh at this

t," I try to clear my head in an attempt to think straight

hear?" She sa

I can't even think about the party right now. "What happened,

arms, my squeezing too

ns. Everything feels like it's moving but I have nothing to g

again, bringing her to a pout

r. "Why did

. His dad didn't want to le

out loud, looking away. "

know, Kaden was pretty torn up. He didn't talk to anyone but his brother. He just started getting out of the

link our arms. "I can't

's not going to be here. We just

. "I have to go


down this street. He calls again, his voice louder and I don't move until h

smiles back, the charming smile, the warni

ing to jump in a pool again. "Laure

tious smirk. "Oh, I've heard of yo

ack. Sorry, I can't stay," I m

ndon off of the list for the both of us, but did I tell you about Preston? Ugh, you're going to love him. He's such a trouble

to vomit. The music of the party seeps into my skin, giving me the option to drown it all out very quickly,

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