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Her Saving Grace

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1297    |    Released on: 24/11/2021

ool. As usual, I put on a lot of foundation and concealer to hide

noring loudly. I tiptoed through the living room and head to the front door. I was really hungry, but I didn't want to ris

I walked passed the parking lot where a lot of students were gathered a

I knew exactly who it was immediately. I

ends; Jasmine Thomas. She finally rea

o much!" She exclaime

lied, then pulled away. "

an't believe summe

e too."

en Kevin or Lucas

tin were my other best friends. It has alwa

familiar voice behind me. Jasmine and I turn

he appears." Jasmine t

face. I really missed him, even though we did se

d then Jasmine. The three of us then lapsed in a conversa

alking. Class was not going to start for the next five minutes.

. I then looked at him and frowned.

black hair was comb over to one side. Much like how Justin Bieb

k ridiculous."

all the girls now. I mean, no one will be

s looked at us. "What's so

uld want him, with or without the new hairstyle. He also knew how to charm the ladies. Kevin as well. Af

he shrill of the warning bell cut off any more conversations

sat in front of them. The teacher was not here as yet, so I got up from my seat and went to sit on Kevin's

your summer vacation,

to the beach main

vin added, giving Lucas a high five. "We invited Kayla a couple of ti

ed most of the t

use during the summer, because of Allan. I would lock up in my room mostly. But I couldn't tell

asmine and I sprang up from the boys' lap and went to our seat quickly. Thank God we made it in tim


geometrically in term of a unit circle centered at O." Mr. Malcol

One, I could not sleep last night, because Allan was up all night, so I waited unt

easured counter clockwise from the x - axis along an arc of the circle...." Mr. Malcolm conti

g called after a while, but I

and I groaned. Just fiv

ated and angry Mr. Malcolm. The students laughed in amusement. "Miss. Green, can

and squinted at the board t

)+2=3 for 0

is trigonometry really important in

me with his beady little eyes could kill. He began t

shook his head and went over to his desk. I knew exactly what was coming

p from my seat and approached him. It didn't make any sense to argue because he would just give me another one. Tha

ent. I made sure he didn't see me, because he would d

e never ever went to the detention room. Not only was it my

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