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Finding Her Lost Mate

Chapter 5 : On The Way

Word Count: 1227    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

their garage and headed in the direction of the resort where they woul

ade her happy and Lucien would have to be on his best behavior in front of the other Alpha

was just going to take it all in and enjoy herself. Ther

leared h



r what I expect of y

change his mind at one

ing their wives.I would look odd if I didn’t bring

ss. Too late now to unpack it. “T

have to see. You are there to be quiet

I ever ma

“Do you understand what I expect of you? It

e next time. She didn’t know how to feel about all this. Sad, or maybe betrayed in

be dangerous in a room together. This council is a trial run so we’ve been war

unspoken. And these were wolves that liked each other, but an Alpha was always a

uld matter to you, but

h hands and ma

nk they are th

scussing th

ing to give an

with me, Emma. I can s

r lips togethe

una. Demure. Silent. Classy. Do

s everything she had packed. “Ye

t embar

conference is about alliances. We have lone wolves that we need to

f information co

d Julie was here. She wo

psed into

activities I wa

“I’m concentra

I need to sign up for

e wh

pa d

getting used to being pampered. You’l

didn’t see it. “Do you expect me t

what's called for

ing me? I could stay in my r

ktalking to Lucien. He flashed her his re

m n

o. “You are only coming because I had no choice.

is fingers digging into

rstand what

I ge

not have popped into her head. Lucien let go of

to the bathroo

left th

r ago,

oing to

car, she said, “We have two hou

rest area and she hopped out to find the ladies' room. The line was long and fille

self, lest she be accused of embarr

Fang City

t her in the mirror. Emm

know thi

a bit of a rock s

our pack kn

gled. “We ha

up. She’d thought she’d left behind anyone that Lucien

nd for the girl. She was too young to be a

y did Lucien cheat on her with wolves in their pack, but he went outside see

h,” he said when she

ne. I had no co

fault,” he said and t

y harder with Lucien? She couldn’t put her

id what her parents wanted. This was her life, but she

mind. He was her past. It wasn’t

ere knew me be


you were a

“That’s not any o

knows who I am and I

ma. Now can we be quiet for the rest

wing it was no u

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