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Chapter 4 Leaving home

Word Count: 652    |    Released on: 28/11/2021

say goodbye for ever because it was forbidden for the queen to leave her kingdom and see her parents unless the King g

n a missing tone. " maybe I guess we should bend some rules then " I said as sh

my off day " Sonia stated as wel

if possible but i need your help w

as she demonstrated the way of greetings to the queen by lowering

n Clare was. a funny , kind friend

ve now , even though I knew that I had to leave , it still looks like i was been kidn

rds the Chariot and towards th

p , I got into the Char

of course dear and get to know each other the more . you can

warns against the bride looking back at her parents but without thinking I screwed the plans by looking back and as well waving back

total silence between i and the prince . I knew deep down in me that he was go

rules today , my lady

uess " I

mm, I

ething I forgot to a

r Highness

l me derick whe

a nice name

w it because it was my first time o

o let everyone know that the are out . without hesitation , derick raise

. just with a wave of hand all the gu

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