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My Irresistible Step Brother

Chapter 6 You want me

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 09/12/2021

e wall , he just smirked mischievously before he leant down towards me . . . " Rinna call me whatever you fucking want but still it won't change the fact that you


ody but instead of getting annoyed , he shockingly grinned mischievously . . " Err ! Do you think that you can just push my door open , prance your naked body in to my room


lied back reminding him but still he shockingly just lowered his gaze until when his eyes landed on my cre


to me ? " , I asked myself inwardly before l shook my head then pushed him away . . " Don't worry , soon am


ized up bed and rolling my eyes , l huffed before l walked out and then closed up the door behind my back . .


the sink with her hands crossed over her chest . . . " Sit down " , As soon as I approached him , she instantly commanded me in her ster


nds on the dining table . . " Slamming doors loudly , arguing angrily , talking disrespectfully , ls this this the way l


the job " , l tried to defend myself in a calm voice but it only seemed to fuel up her anger in her body because her


was my mother , l played it cool and turned my attention to her . . " Mum we have been here just a day , i


her walking towards me . . " What a blooming hell is happening ? " , I asked myself inwardly when l saw her sit down on the chair opposite of me


, the one l truly get long with " , she explained in a calm voice but l just rolled my eyes in disbelief . .Right she was


ated her . . It was always me with my stubborn attitude who chased them aw

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