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Chapter 5 One Voice, One Heart

Word Count: 1427    |    Released on: 30/11/2021

happened? Where are Kimi and her f

ed down, they couldn't wait for his father's answer, they imme

., Natsukoo.., Matsuu..

no a

diers also looked silent, mute, and bowed. Takeo, who was very close to


as impatient. The soldiers stepped aside and let Takeo walk towards the center, where they protected their master's son. Takeo found his nep

ing soundly without knowing her surroundings. Tatsuko felt he could no longer hide the deaths of Kimi a

he battlefield a thousand years ago. Kimi's three children were still alive and well, they were outside wit

e she died. Her face is very beautiful and looks like a doll and she i

ark aura in Tatsuko's family room, Nadeshiko then took Caysie from her husband


ing moon seems to be sad today for the Tatsuko family, the

other daughter-in-law to the kitchen. They cook without speaking to each other because they have nothing to say. After a

n to dinner. While eating, her husband

at each other, then replied,

veryone was asleep, suddenly a v


tightly closed, besides that the door of the house was also closed, Tatsuko then thought it was just the wind, besides the guards who camped in front o

essed, he took a few guards back to Jinsakou. Arriving at the Jinten border, Tatsuko hesitated to open th

..the do

he called t

followed the path and p

ides the Jinsakou Ancestors who are also Judges for determining whether or not their families pass to get Shakou. This lake seems to have been frozen by Kimi, th

very long time,"

uards. While they were clearing the rubble, Tatsuko opened the gate of h

wded? Why are there so many buildings!!!" He exclaimed

y, still in confusion, and a question mark T

will bring, pack it and separate it so that it is easier to arrange when you g

erstand?" T

r." They answe

Not long after they arrived at the village in Jinten, it was seen that in front of Tatsuko's house there was a long table that was deliberately provided by his wife and children for the guards. So many different k

, please eat, the food that my wife

e and you can take it as you like!

aise our energy, thank you, sir." They r

l they saw it with their own eyes. Then Tatsuko asked his family to tidy up and choose the things they would take to move to Jinsakou. Tatsuko

of Tatsuko's house, they turned their heads for the last time to se

ile. His wife knew what was in his husband's mind, then she smiled and said to her husband, "I believe in you,


[secret key

the room where she would later live for the rest of her life, a feeling of happiness and sadness at the same time being able to spend every day reminiscing about her

uring down, she tried to smile when her husband saw her. Tatsuko understood his wife's feeli

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