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The Half Blood Luna

The Half Blood Luna


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 30/11/2021


e beauty points that make up for having a common boring eye color like brown. My skin is snow white and my body is mostly skin and bone; meaning I am very tiny and slim. The most beautiful thing I love about myself is my hai

ore, it is time to dive in

t really know anything about her besides her name, Sara, and the fact that she was human. I don’t k

a werewolf father, resulting in a half blood werewolf. Half bloods may have some or all characteristics of a werewolf of pure blood origins, but each person is different. Some half bloods have wolves and can shift like any pure blood wh

nly sign of my werewolf gene was my healing ability, and even that gene sucked. While it may take a pure or a half with a wolf several h

the contrary, half bloods almost never made it to a beta position. They were given trivial jobs that n

e a month for several hours, he wasn’t exactly at risk of exposing himself. So he managed to live

alone anymore. He found a pack called The Grey’s pack, named after its alpha “Grey”. Being a half blood, he was only given low jobs that nob

opes of being anything different from what my father was, a servant. I was raised at the pack house and educated at the pack school until the age of 10. That’s when alpha Grey issued a rule that all servants’ kids are to become full servants as soon

re than a servant, dreaming of the day I will turn 18 and escape this hellhole. I always kept to myself even among the servan

mother, or if he was always like this, but he was a very cold person. Never once, did I see him express any emotion that resembles love, affection, or tenderness towards me. Never once, did he hold me when I was feeling sick, lonely, or mad about the fate that was forced on me. He bare

old anything else other than he is dead. As you can probably guess, I wasn’t very heartbroken over his death, so I d

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