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Desire Swells

Desire Swells

Author: Tatashi777

Chapter 1 OH, MAN

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 02/12/2021

e, going deeper and deeper before speeding up. My hands were wrapped ar

'Haa, you're sweet, too?' As he continued to drive inside me, I kis

started stroking it while moaning, hoping

n he blasted his wonderful release within me, I ga

on my stomach, and stroked m

hief from his pocket and

ened his eyes wide. 'You've got to be kidding, this is the fourth round.' We are outdoors, on top of your car's front bumper, and anyone can see u

I smirked. When Leo is in the mood for sex, he doesn't care about his surroundings, but when he comes back to his senses, he instantly remembers we are in

scenery,' He defended himself. I rolled my eyes and came down with his sperms dripping

s as soon as I ran upst

ars, I covered my ears with my hands and walked

ed. He smiled as he looked up. 'D

er right now,' he remarked as he ascended up the stairwell.

and laying me

and knelt down on the floor with his knees bent, and dragged my legs over shoul

and down at the same time. I screamed and grabbed his hair, 'Leo.' I whimpered, 'Leo baby,' and he kept going faster and faster until I couldn't take it anymore. 'Babe, I'm about to cum,' I gasped. He took a step back and said. 'How

way to cause me trouble and drag my name through the mud, despite the fact that I live a calm life and dislike trouble. I'm twenty five

six white leather sofas, and a high-end dining table made of glass and gold. My kitchen is as beauitful as a Palace, with a gigantic swimming pool outside with seven cars, three of them which are special editions. The others, on th

te women and get married. I have a sneaking suspicion that my father will soon bring up the subject of marriage. I'm afraid I'm going to dissappoint him. Thos

m on occasions, albeit it's not as satisfying as sleeping with a man. Some people may find this repulsive, but

he sleeps with women sometimes. We have a lot of sex, whene

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