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DAWN : A new beginning

Chapter 5 A FALL

Word Count: 1226    |    Released on: 04/12/2021

cquainted with Dr. Charles. I sometimes go to the clinic to get drugs for my mother and while she was admitted few months back , I spent three days there with her while my siblin

and I knew what was going down his mind. He needed to speak with someone mature. An adult perhaps. "You can tell me everything Doctor. " I said while feigning confidence. Dr. Charles took me to his office. It was small and had two long benches made of wood. Opposite his steel chair was another chair where patients sit whenever they wanted to consult him. "Do you want water? " he asked. I shook my head signa

Tami. I looked at the clock hanging above my mothers bed, it was 23 minutes past 7pm. We haven't had dinner. I was confused, tired and hungry. Then Mama Ajabo walked in. I couldn't contain my joy when I saw her walking to the hospital ward my mother was admitted with a food container. I knew our dinner had come. "Good evening Mummy Ajabo. " I said while taking my eyes of the food container. "My dear how are you people? ". Tami had come down from my laps and was running r

east my mother wasn't dead. There were no patients in the ward so I cried uncontrollably. While I was fanning my sick mother around 3am, I couldn't help but think about my siblings. Whether they had thier baths or slept well. Tam

an go ahead. I am all she has. " I answered confidently. He smiled and continued. "Aside your mother's low blood pressure, her sugar level has increased which is very risky. Fetty without beating around the bush, we need money. I need money to faccilitate your mother's treatment. The drugs, injections and drips need to be paid for. Not to talk of the ward fee. I know your having a though time but please we need something like a little amount to faccilitate her treatment. Do you understand. " he said. "I do. " I replied. "Dr. Like how much do we need? " I inquired. "If you can get like 10 thousand naira for now that'll be okay. I wouldn't have asked f

father gave us so I bought pasta, made jollof out of it then turned it in our food flask. Before giving Mama Ajabo the key to our room, I told her to inform my siblings to change thier school uniforms to normal cl

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