Butterfly ; My dear wings [Original]
urning his head away. "Rogue" a small mumble left her lips as she turned around, brushing back her hair locks that had messed up a while ago. Her shoulders rose up as she pulled her jacket, feeling the cool breeze being blown past her face. As she pushed the scrunchie inside the pocket of her oversized jacket, her feet took a turn unexpectedly being welcomed by a room full of students who wore the same uniform. "And the cells which are-" the gentle voice of a Lecture paused, noticing the students gaze towards the door. Her body froze like ice as she felt the nervous self of hers getting active in an instant. "What do you need, sweetie?" she bowed with hesitance before pointing at her notes. "Science...class?" she mumbled as the lecturer nodded. "Yes, it is. You are new?" Na-bi nodded hesitantly. A knowing smile formed upon the young woman's lips. "Oh my, Aren't you Na-bi?" the students murmured around while the lecturer pulled her into the class. "Kim Na-bi, is it?" The head of a guy who was writing something in his notes-shot up with a stunned expression. His eyes gaped as the flashback of her hand gazed against his came back to his mind. 'Na-bi?' with knitted eyebrows, he stared at her in confusion. "Oh my, i didn't expect to see you so soon" as her hand rubbed Na-bi's back, she bowed. "It's good to see you too, Mrs. Ahn" Mrs. Ahn laughed softly as she gestured to her to take a seat. "Take a seat, Na-bi. I'll begin the class, students" she said as
sprachules of other students were loud while Na-bi stood up from seating. As gentle as the grip was, it still sent chills down the spine of hers. Her glance was immediate, and He handed the notebook. "That's.. Yours-" her trailed off words were cutten off like an apple caught
er to her room. Along with a loud thud, Mrs. Kim's smile mischievously widened while the hands were wiped with the cloth before thrown across. As much as Accelerating rapidness of her heartbeat was aloud, her breath was repeated with heaveness within. A soft sigh leaving her dry lips before her body collapsed on her bed. The glistening skin of hers sinked in, and the exhaustion she had slowly dropped down. Th