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Bloody Games

Bloody Games


Chapter 1 In London

Word Count: 852    |    Released on: 08/12/2021



the twin brother to James Jimi Akin

y phone and end

that for

d to announce to the whole world that we

led m

bad thing the

as about to re

h and

is ready" James s

and fol

you need to hurry up so we can l

exchanged pu

did you specify James. I thought

his head, "


anymore!" I yelled and

bled. He hate

yell at me. Trust me, yo

a" James a

back to

was s

his and we think that it'll be best if we sent you both to different sch

sed "That's not possible!" Jam

ed at us

both going there. Same goes

ost your manner?

re's no way I and James

alk to your boys." He s

urt in her eyes. "You gu

ne hurting us, he's t

or your o



what you have t

le you'll be going to Harvard tomorrow. That

d, he followed her

ing at Mama saying she planned all this. He accuse

called he


y mother a witch, n

, jumped at James and

nd prevented me fro

red at me

n his lips and I

ry! I never me

and then he walked awa

you guys together" Mama

s are together, something might happen and you'll both hate your

didn't arg

es to the airport. B

I asked, though I

answered curtly. Then he said "Yo

hut the door, sat o

er said a

d, "His mind is


sited my friend; Tayo. H

about my tr

ys are going abroad?"

ready. Mine is 18

y go school for L

t about

. I'm handing her over to you. P

who I trust to watch ove


ed straight to James' r

small book o

d it to be

n it and I was overc

read. Something caught my at

es wi

over to


p reading

understood why Mama said it wouldn'

re. He would'

diary has e

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