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Chapter 2 Who's pregnant

Word Count: 1401    |    Released on: 14/12/2021

hed, ruefully. She rubbed he

lex planned. Zack doesn't seem like he's

that will bring her and Zack closer that will m


'm sure you've got better things to

have to thank me "Zack e

you starin

wn a little fat "he responded

g to tell you "Kira said, sounding ne

t is

ago, what happ

n already. I know you won't be able to forget it but

t's cool. I understand it wasn't our intention to do that but

"Zack stated with wide eyes. "Don

itated bef

Zack. I'm carr

d hit the table. He hit

n yourself, huh? It's not a big dea

are not married yet tho but two pregnant wives, how do l manage? Yes, l can tak

ll sort of things but l'm sure you are going to handle it and about the oth

would be an opportunity to get closer to him but another pregnant lad

ownwards. How is he going to cope with two pregnant lad

e this for some time now .. you okay?

nant ladies who will be living under the same roof with me and

go through all this .. i

you tomorrow .. make sure you pack

at t



omorrow "He stated and took

ra was saying but Z

my way around here "He said, abrupt

e said as she watc

to puke and ran inside to e


us maids in the palace said as she ente

ss answered, bloom

asked to see you in his room. He s

happen? "Camilla responded

n currently, he just ask

t then.

ted her room, heading

rom now. The fathers of Zack and Camilla were good friends and wan

es for Zack but Zack was totally against the idea c

regnating a lady and that their wedding has b

ll her. He has no choice and it's not gonna sound good

me "Camilla stated as s

ed. "Sit "he said, af

the maid and she bowe

pen? You look stressed "Cam

ething bad

t is

k, Camilla "He said a

y Zack and that's it! "She yelle

egnated a lady and news is going round that he has impregnate

im..pregnated another lady?

s she slowly sat down. She palme

ll Zack's fault .. l never knew he

ut I loved

not met to be. Maybe it wasn't your fate to get allied

rs with her hands

, just give me some days and

He asked, concern

y room now. See

e slumped on the bed and bu

.. how could Za

married life with him, even if he

't be easy to ge


queen asked, staring at

r some herbs to ease the pain, she's sleepi

God! "She said wi

ng and she was t

o discuss with you, your highnes


"She said, staring at

at happ

ure no one was around, eaves

ting horrid? Wha

ut l think Amy is pregnant "Helga

Amy can't be pregnant .. y

, your h

re's a lady currently pregnant for Zac

to calm down. Come and have a sit "He

d her highness t

she's pr

l just need to do conduct a

my spoke up as the queen and H


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