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Blueblood Twined

Chapter 4 Can I Handle This

Word Count: 913    |    Released on: 14/12/2021

now still sounding so gently and appealing to her hearing. Maybe all of the changes in her feelings are tied to the scenario which they're in at that moment... Kind of

he knew not what the future holds for herself and Lawrence, but she has joined in and allowed him to do his bidding. Their bodies were so sticky with the

to enjoy every single beat of the moment. She let down her feelings of embarrassment before and surrendered fully to the touch of his as they undressed

he waterfall, making the sand stick more firmly to their bodies. The sand in their hairs and bodies was just so much that each touch Somira gave

ide of her mat, with the both of them still co

ask you something..


yours, right in this weather... Almost complet

. Somira..

t he could not. And when he saw that she didn't want to let go of that question since h

't understand. And you

Somira drew closer to him, a

and I can hardly see anything th

ing." He said... Smirking… Somira drew closer to him again to pu

kind of uncomfo

him again a

t, it was still on him.. and enjoying the view. Lawrence laughed at her statement

, I left my glasses at home, I for

th my sight, and you would not like my

like that. So she proceeded to ask further q

here at the pa

ing glances at them as they played. A particular lady could not hide her feelings as she stood by to watch them so gracefully... nonstop! Until

mom and dad would be home now, looking for you

waterfall under this chilling weather?" Somira asked him in surprise... Holding him from

uld not explain, as a certain feeling gripped

e noticed that his laughter had changed, and there was some form of dishonesty attach

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