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Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 15/12/2021



opportunities and blessin

as a gift, so I'm proud to present to you the lady who said YES to m

joined him as they both kissed as there was

hopes of gettin

ugh there was a little likeness for him I blew

e doors of MTC on my first day. He was the head of Public Relations an

William was sending his love signals directly at me and after my int

him the benefit of doubt. The dates I wouldn't show up to,

on, and deep down in my heart I had

Mr. Charlie. He tapped me to draw my attention to the fa

ia," He said with a si

smiled back and

ning in my direction with s

ed hot!"

sipped on my glass of champagne trying to

tidote to curb my drinking habits even though when we attend parties she let

admire good things and he's one of them." Lind

hough they could roll off and fa

I arrange the date between t

dates weren't my thing. Linda had set me up with quite a few and it turned ou

my heart and broken whateve

king about Jackson?" Linda a

." I tried to sound convincing and ti

Big Billy so we can head home.



hand. The moon cast a dark shadow over him but it could be

arette. His head spun with thoughts of the past. The



e located in the outskirts of Orano, a y

with began to wear off my system. My eyes slowly open, I groan in pain, my palms

blindfolded. "What do you want?" I asked, my eyes sc

ne sent a bone-crushing punch to my stomach,

what w

ht but before I could feebly make any move, I wa

heir Boss laughed, "You t

to be held down by three other gu

nd I was certain I must have gotte

ipped and sta

Now shut up and let me do t

Why did you kidnap and bring me here?" I a

ibly blindfolded and brought to this rundown

your little mansion. We will help decorate you a l

my skin crawl with bad creeps. I knew it wasn't any pleasant,

go." There wasn't anything wrong in dialog

me go." The Boss mimics demonstrating fake tears and his

p of his hands filled with metal rings that descri

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